Mending Broken Pieces

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The sea of self hatred
is flooding and Oh God,
tonight I'm drowning.

  Nixie stared at herself in the mirror, analyzing her outfit choice. Alice had tried to get her to wear some ugly purple dress but Nixie refused and she's glad she did. The red dress she wore hugged her curves nicely, exposing all the runes that covered her arms and chest. Happy with her choice, she gave a small nod to her reflection and turned, spotting all the clothes she'd strewn across Jasper's floor.

  Letting out a quiet huff of annoyance she quickly picked up the clothing and tossed it into their shared laundry basket, she'd fold them later. She was just about the head out the door when a small knock resounded from it. "Come in!"

  Jasper opened his bedroom door before peaking his head inside, eyes landing on Nixie and almost popping out of his head. He quickly entered the room, closing the door behind him and walking towards his mate. "Wow" he breathed, awe clear in his features. Jasper grabbed her hand and spun her around, taking her in from all angles, "you look beautiful Nix" he confessed, placing a small kiss on her hand. He wasn't lying either, Nixie looked radiant in the dress she had picked and Jasper found it extremely hard to keep his hands to himself. Checking his watch he held his hand out for Nixie to grab, "shall we darlin?" She placed her delicate hand in his and allowed him to lead them out of the room.

  They were passing Carlisle's study when Nixie caught sight of Bella and Edward, stopping her in her tracks. She turned to Jasper, "I'm gonna see what Edward and Bella are up to real quick okay? I'll meet you downstairs" with her promise, she gave Jasper a quick kiss and made her way inside the room as he made his way downstairs.

  "Hey" Nixie greeted the two as she walked towards them. "What're you guys doin?"

  Edward glanced to Jasper's mate and smiled. Him and Nixie may have gotten off on the wrong foot in the beginning but now, Edward could safely say she was becoming one of his favorite people, besides Bella of course. Nixie just had this air around her that made it impossible to not fall in love with her character. She was kindhearted, sarcastic, protective and she made Edward laugh, which was something rare these days. "You look beautiful Nixie" he complimented, before answering her question, "I was telling Bella about the Volturi, they're the 'leaders' of our kind, so to say."

  Nixie looked to the portrait hanging on the wall and was met with the sight of 3 extremely creepy looking men and a younger Carlisle. Well, she thought, not physically younger... just mentally. She scanned the other ones faces, eyes stopping on a certain pair of blood red eyes. "Who's this one" she asked Edward, pointing to the vampire that was the center of the painting. Nixie knew about the Volturi, she just never bothered in remembering their names or faces.

  Edward's eyes followed her finger before spotting who it was pointed at, "that's Aro" he explained, tightening his hand around Bella's. "He's the ruler of them basically , Caius and Marcus are his brothers. They all lead together, but Aro is the one who makes the final decisions." He hated the Volturi, he hated how they ruled and he could never understand how Carlisle had been with them for so long. Carlisle was the definition of good, while the Volturi were truly rotten to their very core.

  Nixie studied their faces before resting her eyes back on Aro. He was creepy for sure, with his defined widows peak and extremely wide red eyes, she could tell he wasn't someone to be messed with. She couldn't take her eyes off of him though, something about him was bugging her. Shrugging it off as him just being creepy, she turned back to the couple. "Alright well while you guys bond I guess I should go meet Jas downstairs before he comes back for me" placing her hand on Edward's shoulder she gave it a squeeze before making her way out.
  Nixie made her way down the staircase, meeting an awaiting Jasper at the end. She grabbed the hand he was holding out for her and let out a surprised squeal when he quickly spun her around. They heard a *click*, turning their heads toward Alice, who didn't even have the decency to look ashamed. She smiled at the couple before holding up the camera she stole out of Bella's bag, "say cheese" she cheered, holding the camera to her eye.

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