Happy Birthday Old Hag

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Bella lied in her bed, soft snores leaving her lips as her dreams were haunted by the one thing she couldn't run away from, time. Her body writhed in agony at her thoughts but she couldn't seem to wake herself from the never ending torture. That is until a certain raven haired protector flung her door open with such brutal force, the door handle left a slight dent in the wall.


Bella sat up with a gasp, eyes frantically looking to her hands. Seeing no wrinkles, her wild eyes rested on her best friend who'd barged into her room and was currently screaming at the top of her lungs.


Charlie walked in behind the protector, letting out a chuckle at the girls words before greeting his daughter, "happy birthday Bells" he spoke, a pink tint making its way to his cheeks.

Bella let out a sigh, but thanked her dad nonetheless before glaring sharply at Nixie who was still yelling about her being an old hag.

"Gosh Bells, what the hell are you gonna do now, 18, holy shit, you might wanna invest in some anti-aging cream it's about that time." Nixie rambled, trying to get a rise out of the birthday girl, and judging by the glare she was receiving, it seemed to be working.

  Bella let out a scoff at Nixie's words, taking another look at her non-wrinkled hands, "what about you Nix?" She questioned, "you've been 18 for a few months already, I'm sure you're gonna need that anti aging before I do" she threw back.

  Nixie let out a loud guffaw before wrapping her arm around Charlie's shoulder and sending a smile towards Bella. "Ah Bella, that's where you're wrong, see unlike Charlie and I, who age like perfectly fine wine, you're gonna age like milk. You'll be goin strong for a while, beautiful and all that shit, until one day out of nowhere you look into the mirror and instead of that spring chicken look you had the night before, you're gonna look like a wrinkly old ball-sack."

  Bella's eyes about popped out of their sockets, gasping at her best friends words before unwillingly letting out a loud cackle. "Oh my God Nixie!" She yelled, still laughing, "my dads in here!"

  Nixie joined in on Bella's laughter, tears building at the edges of her eyes when she got a look at Charlie's beet red face as he shuffled awkwardly in the corner, only making her laugh harder.

  As soon as the laughter had quieted, Charlie shoved the gifts he was holding into Bella's face, attempting to steer the conversation.

  "I thought we agreed no presents" Bella whined, begrudgingly taking the gifts from her dad's hands.

  Charlie scoffed, "well the one from me isn't even wrapped so that doesn't count" he defended, handing her the camera he'd purchased.

  Bella smiled at her dad's sneakiness, grabbing the camera out of his hand, "that's actually great" she admitted, "thanks dad."

  Charlie shrugged off his daughters thanks before handing her the other gift, "it goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated" he thought for a moment before correcting himself, "well.. she coordinated me."

  Nixie watched Bella rip the wrapping paper off her gift, impatiently waiting for her to finish so she could give her the one she bought.

  "It's to put your pictures in from senior year" Charlie explained as Bella eyeballed the empty photo album. The man let out a sigh at his own words, "Senior year. How'd you get so old so fast?"

  Bella quickly defended herself, "I didn't. It's not that old."

  Sensing the actual panic in Bella's voice, Nixie shoved her wrapped gift into Bella's face, distracting her from her apparent mid life crisis. "Open mine Bells! I didn't agree to the no gift rule so here!" She watched as Bella tore the wrapping and opened the box, gasping as she spotted what was inside.

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