Bonus Chapter #6

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"A soulmate is the one person
whose love is powerful
enough to motivate you to
meet your soul, to do the
emotional work of
self-discovery, of awakening."
                                   -Kenny Loggins

  "C'mon Nix, 5 minutes tops, that's it" Jasper's voice rang throughout the living room as he tried to persuade his fiancé.

  "No" Nixie shot down, "I don't want to."

  Alice and Rose stood in the corner shaking their heads, "two minutes Nixie" Alice tried.

  "Nope. You can't make me" the protectress stubbornly shot back.

  Rose finally stepped forward, eyebrows furrowed, "Nixie, don't make me kick your ass!"

  Nixie began mockingly shaking her fist in Rose's direction, "bring it Blondie, I'll shove your ass in a portal to the moon, try me!"

  Carlisle and Esme couldn't help but chuckle at their family's antics, the argument amusing everyone in the room.

  "Please Nixie, it would mean a lot to me" Jacob begged, sending the protectress a grin.

  Nixie threw her head back with a groan, "do I have to?" She really didn't want to do this, the thought making her internally shudder.

  Rose grabbed Nixie by the front of her shirt and gave her a little shake, "Nixie, just hold the damn baby!"

  Nixie's eyes trailed to Jacob who had baby Renesmee cradled in his arms and she scrunched her nose. "C'mon you guys, you know I'm not really into babies. I guess I get my maternal instincts from my mother... and by that I mean I don't have any."

Edward and Bella were getting accustomed to Bella's new vampirism in the room she had woken up in. Nixie having left them alone once the newborn finally opened her eyes, she had plenty of time to see her later. This left Nixie with the rest of the family in the living room while they continuously tried to get her to hold the baby which she kept evading.

"I really don't think this is a good idea" Nixie warned as Jake walked towards her.

"Nixie just shut up and take the baby" Jake laughed, holding out Renesmee's squirming body for the protectress to grab.

Nixie let out a squeak when she gripped Renesmee's tiny body, the child instantly calming and staring at her with her big doe eyes.

"See" Jasper whispered as he stepped behind her and peaked over her shoulder. "It's not so bad." His arms wrapped around Nixie and rested on her hips while she rocked the baby. "You're doing great."

"Jas" Nixie whispered with a smile, earning a hum in response. "Say one more word and I'll zap you to the middle of the Pacific."

Jasper's eyes widened and the surprised look on his face caused everyone around them to burst into chuckles. He decided to stay quiet and just enjoy the fact that they finally got his stubborn mate to enjoy the babies company.

"So why don't you like kids Nix" Jake asked as he watched her expertly care for the child who had quieted ever since the protector took her.

"It's not that I don't like them" Nixie argued, "they're just.... gross okay?"

"You know you were a baby once" Alice chimed causing the protector to give her a deadpanned look.

"You don't say Alice" Nixie teased before looking back down at Renesmee's sleeping face. "I'm just not a kid person okay? They're slimy and stinky and fragile, not a good combination for me."

"Well, for someone who's not a kid person, you're doing a wonderful job" Esme complimented causing Nixie to smile.

"Yeah" Nixie agreed, "I think I'm getting this thing down." She felt Jasper kiss the side of her head and smiled, hugging the baby closer to her before meeting his eyes. She tossed him a wink as everyone quieted down and just sat around the room.

The room was almost completely silent for the next few moments before...

"Jasper get this thing away from me I think it just shit on my arm."

**Just a cute little filler chapter right after Bella's awakening before their hunting escapade! I have read so many stories about the OC's wanting to be mothers and I figured it'd be something different to have one that didn't. Don't get me wrong, I like kids(sometimes😂🤣) but I wanted someone with a different viewpoint and figured Nixie would be perfect for the part!!**

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