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12:00 AM

I need to get it off my head, yeah. That is what I'm supposed to do. Maybe it will turn out better, and I will be able to live happier, right?

a person who has gone through a lot may be fine and live their lives happily. while there are many that failed theirs due to excessive emotions. we humans tend to be oblivious when it comes to this. the darkened lives within the dark. they comply with everything in life but in their head, there is something, that holds them, hostage, inside. it results in them being unable to move on from things

well, this is such a complicated word. depression itself has a different meaning, thus, it is a different thing to a lot of people. some may think it's when you feel sadness while some think it's when you feel lonely. both are right but it is not a definite answer.

as a person that has been through that stage of life, I know exactly how it feels. I am a positive person but sometimes I would explore the dark world too, after all, I'm a human too. I have the right to be sad. I notice that a lot of ppl around me is under pressure and some even struggle with depression. to me, depression is not something to joke upon but it is something that should be taken as a serious thing.

depression is not a sickness that hurts you but instead, it just consumed a part of your soul. it doesn't make you feel sick but tired. people may think I'm just a show-off here but hey, I am you. I am right there when you think of ending life, I am there when you cried. how? because I felt that loneliness, that heartbroken feeling.

depression is not just feeling sad. sometimes it even reaches the point you feel completely fine. dramatically, you don't feel sad anymore. it's like your life was under the weather but now it became bright. it is also a missing, .stage of depression. it is when you pushed yourself too hard while under great overflowing emotions. don't understand? maybe you feel useless for being depressed until you force yourself to terminate all the sadness and frowns away. but they were not ready for it.

still not clear? when your mind suddenly stops feeling sad, it will think that the other emotions went away too. this results in people becoming a person with no wits. not sure if you have it? being emotionless is just the same as being depressed but it was done oppositely. depression is feeling too many feelings while numb is when you feel nothing.

it could go to the point where lives become brighter but there is something from your mind that lives within the darkness. you refrained from feeling happy or laugh to your heart content. you feel unhappy with everything. since you don't allow yourself to feel delighted, sadness eventually becomes anger.  you just hate the fact that you can't laugh a lot like others, but it is not their fault.

why are you doing this to yourself? , said me. maybe, this is not happening to you, but.... me. do you feel me?

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