1:00 AM

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1:00 AM

it's been a long time since I wrote my stories. many things had happened in the past few days. my school ended on Friday. let me tell you that after my exam wind up, I started by hating school but guess what? after meeting some humans, the passion in me suddenly starts to burn up. it's tiring to come when my classes ended early. but still, for them, I would risk my life. teachers have been abusing me emotionally and physically. they made me do the pettiest work too.

though it's been like that, I couldn't help but feel the loneliness when I'm home. my room felt so empty yet filled. my life felt so dark yet lit. sometimes I feel like I just want to be with my friends, but I know, they wouldn't want to be with me.

it feels like I'm living in a total hell. my country is hot; prolly because the people here have a lot of sins. heh.

those elders been pestering me for a while now. it will most likely last till Sunday, or Monday. they keep pressuring me to study when holiday literally just started, i repeat, HOLIDAY LITERALLY JUST FREAKING STARTED !1!1! i've been studying my whole life and they expected me to follow what they said? sorry elders, this life is not yours. there is a lot that i've been thinking these days. i felt so unhappy, so frustrated, so dead and so so so so sad.

these few days, I've been thinking about what should I do in the future, about things I shouldn't do, about who should I be, about...who I am.

I question everything I did in my life. we, people, know that lives has always been hard. but why does it have to be so hard? for who am I living these hardships?

'pain mature people'

I know I know everything. I just can't accept the fact that all of this is happening to me. or, am I being hypocritical? what am I doing all my life?

i am free but why do i feel like i am trapped somewhere. im stuck in between happiness and weariness. why is there nothing that could help me?

again, i know.

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