Chapter 8

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At 2 am Harry woke up to soaked bed sheets. Which caused him to panic. The boys will kill him, when they find out how worthless Harry was. He thought.

He didn't want to get in trouble. To make matters worse he felt hot and his stomach was in agony. It was paining as hell would be an understatement.

Before he could get up he threw up all over the bed.

He started to cry as he weakly got out of bed. The room felt like it was spinning, he tried to strip the bed of its bed sheets, but it was hard to do with only one functioning arm and extreme dizziness. His eyelids begin to dilated due to the unability of moving.

This only made Harry cry more which resulted in him throwing up again.

Luckily for Harry, Liam was a light sleeper and was keeping an ear out for any signs of Harry needing anything.

Liam was woken from his sleep by sobbing and immediately knew it was Harry. He jumped out of bed and ran to Harry's room where he was met by the sad site of a poorly Harry covered in his own mess with his bed in the same situation.

"Harry, it's ok. Don't cry, honey. It was an accident, you're not well and we should have put a bucket by your bed," Liam said soothingly, "let's take you to the bathroom to clean you up, yeah?"

Harry nodded weakly. He stumbled as the dizziness and weakness of his body took over. Liam caught him and picked him up as Harry was very small and light for his age.

Liam didn't care about the mess Harry was covered in. He only cared about Harry's well-being.

Liam decided to wake Louis, Niall and Zayn to help him with Harry.

It was pretty easy to wake Niall and Louis. They both had to wake Zayn but once they were all up and saw the state of poor Harry, they were willing to be awake at this particular time of night.

Zayn went to clean up Harry's bed and floor with Louis helping him. Niall and Liam gave Harry another bath and put him in some clean clothes. While they were giving him a bath all Harry could keep saying was 'sorry'.

"Harry, it's okay," Niall said gently, "you're ill, we understand."

"It's not a one-off." Harry managed to say.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked, confused, "Are you ill a lot?"

"No, it's not that." stammered Harry.

"Then what is it, sweetie?" Niall asked gently.

"Wet...bed." Harry stammered before a fresh lot of tears started streaming down his face.

"Hey, no more tears," Niall said, "it's fine, okay? No big deal, we can sort that."

Niall whispered something to Liam who had come in with a big fluffy towel and clean PJ's for Harry.

Liam disappeared and was back 15 minutes later with a packet of night time underwear in Harry's size.

Niall was just drying Harry at the time.

"Perfect timing," Niall said when he spotted Liam, "you got them?"

"Yeah," Liam answered.

Liam opened the packet and handed Niall one of the special pants.

Harry didn't make a fuss when Niall put him in it or put clean PJ's on him. In case Harry had an accident due to his stomach pain.

"Do you want to come cuddle on the sofa?" asked Niall, "We'll put on a movie until we fall back to sleep again. If you do use your night time just let us know, we can change it and when you're better, if you want to do it yourself you can."

Harry just nodded and let Niall pick him up. Harry lay his head on Niall's shoulder as they went downstairs where they were met by Zayn and Louis who had just put the bedding in the wash and thrown his previous PJ's out as they were beyond washing.

Soon, all the boys were in their favorite movie watching spots with Harry cuddled up in-between Niall and Louis.

The boys were happy that Harry was finally starting to relax around them.

But was he, really?

Did they look closely or just assumed ?

Will Harry ever get love ?

Only time will answer these questions.


Well, that was a trouble night.

Anyways, what do you think ?

Do you think Sadie will be proven wrong ?


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