Prison Nachos

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    The sun had finally disappeared, leaving the dim street lamps to light the city. My legs dangled off the railing as I over looked the city.

    "Cam, dinner is ready. Kids don't want to eat without you." Toby pokes her head through the window. I bring my legs back over the railing and follow Toby back inside, where the kids sat in a circle surrounding the TV, as they ate. l fell lightly onto the couch, watching the cartoons the kids were so heavily invested in. Pink cut off my vision briefly then the couch dipped in next to me. Toby wearing her usual pink attire.

    "You know, eating with people requires you to actually eat." Toby points out hours later. She stood over the sink, washing dishes while I dried and put them away. The kids were scattered about the living space: Mason and Jay fell asleep next to each other, kicking one another every so often in their sleep; Grizzy slept on the couch where Toby had been sitting before she started the dishes; John and Jaren slept under the coffee table, hugging a pillow in between them and Matt laid curled up in a chair.

    I shrug my shoulders. "Wasn't hungry."

     "You haven't eaten in days. There's no way you aren't hungry." She sasses.

       I roll my eyes. " That's not even true." I sigh out.

       She slams down the plate in her hand and turns off the water faucet. "Bullshit Cameron! The food in that fridge is all, for the most, part spoiled and you hate the idea of spoiled food or food going to waste, so you'd never allow that to happen. Cameron you need to eat!" She scolds.

       "Maybe you should butt out!" I snap while slamming the cupboard door closed.

      Toby stares at me in disappointed shock. I feel my whole body grow hot with regret.

      "I'm sorry, you didn't des-"

      "No. Save it. You need to chill out. Now excuse me while I put the kids in the guest bedroom." She strutted to the living room and carefully picked up Grizzy and carrying him to the guest room.

      I rubbed my face with exhaustion and dragged my feet to my room and dropped onto the bed. Today is not my day nor has these past few days been. 

    The morning sun shone through the wind screen, blinding my eyes. Toby drove, a pair of stylish sun glasses resting on her nose; the kids jump in the seats of the spacious van. Toby drove through the busy streets and to the county jail. Due to lack of seats, Ryan drove in his own car to the jail.

   She put the van in park and turn around in her seat to face Matt, "No one leaves this car, understood? You are in charge of Mason, Jay, Jaren and John-"

     "I wanna go!" Jaren yells from the far back.

    "Fine. I'm taking Jaren and Grizzy. Keep and eye on them, we shouldn't be too too long." She opens her door and slams in closed, opening the side-door to grab Grizzy and Jaren.

     I step out of the van and gently close the door, folding my arms as the two small kids jumped out of the vehicle and latched themselves to Toby's hands. Grizzy attempted to skip to the entrance of the jail only to fall and request for Toby to pick him up.

    The inside air brought chills to my body. Toby approached the counter with confidence, having a love for feeling like a businesswomen. She chatted with the lady at the counter while I stood awkwardly behind her. The walls were painted a bland gray and the empty chairs of the room contributed a depressing feel to the atmosphere. Not much sun light soaked the room, mostly artificial white light lit up the room. A tap on my shoulder startled me, I focus my tired eyes  down, seeing Toby's black framed glasses.

     "C'mon." She ushered, shifting the weight of Grizzy to her other hip.

     I followed her down a hall and into a room with numerous old style telephones and stalls. Dozens of people mumbled and talked, a sheet of glass separating them. Toby pulls me to the very end and sits down with Grizzy on her lap; I do the same.

     He sits down in front of the glass, his face torn into a sad smile. He picks up the phone and I do the same.

"PizzaHut, this is Eric speaking, how may I help you tonight?" A wide grin spreads across his lips, his eyes squinting.

    "Yeah could I get a delivery? Could use a long hug from a cutie." I laugh quietly.

    "How've ya been Cam?" He laughs, adjusting his shirt sleeve.

        "Fine. Its been great not having someone hog all the blankets at night." I joke. He chuckles. "How have you been buddy?"

      He leans back, "Oh ya know, I've been living. The food sucks but I met this guy named Pedro, he makes amazing nachos, like man you gotta try them."

   "I think I'll pass on prison nachos, thank you though." I chuckle. I feel Toby jab me in the side.

     I scowl at her and she raises her eyebrows knowingly. "Don't you need to tell him something?" I realize instantly what she is referring to.

      "We got a lawyer. His name is Ryan and he is, according to Toby, over qualify for this case." I inform, watching as Eric's face became less stressed.

    "Where is he? When can him and I talk?" He rushed, his hand rested on the table.

      I turn to Toby with wide eyes. She shrugged her shoulders.

     "Where is Ryan?" Her face filled with concern as she pulled her phone from her pocket.

       "I'm here! " Ryan strolled to us, he yanked the phone from my hand and squatted down in between Toby and I. "Eric, yes?"

       Eric furrows both brows to me before answering. "Yeah?"

      "Cool, I'm gonna need you to listen very closely." Eric nodded to Ryan. "My name is Ryan P. I am a lawyer and I am going to prove your innocence, even if you think you do not have any. So basically, you plead not guilty, you say anything else and you're fucked. Then you leave the rest to me. We good?" Eric nods slowly, seeming lost. "Great! Now excuse me boys and Toby, while I go and get your friend out of this mess." And with that he left.

    I grab the phone. "Was that-?"

   "Your lawyer? Yes." I answer before Eric could finish. He nods.

    "I'm in good hands. I feel it." I nod in agreement.

   A loud bell rings, signalling visiting hour is up. I sigh.

   "Guess I gotta go. I'll be out soon. Better soak up that alone time while you can." He chuckles.

     "Oh trust me, I will." I let out a breathy laugh. "I love you."

     "Love you too." He hangs it up and walks to a large door, waving to me with a large grin.

         I smile and wave back. He disappears through the doorway. Toby pulls my sleeve toward the exit; I follow. My head ached from the pressure behind my eyes. I sat in the passenger seat and covered my face with my hoodie sleeve. A soft sigh escaped my lips when Toby sat down in her seat.

         "It's alright. There is hope. Ryan knows what he's doing." She assures, pulling out of the jail parking lot.

"I'm so glad he's okay." 

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