Chapter 55 Shift in Perspective

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 Edward stepped out of the supply closest on the first floor in his gray jumpsuit with protective headgear and glasses. Nate was quick to follow and they joined up with the line outside the entrance cavern. The person at the back turned to look at the two, but soon after another crew showed up. Ignorance would offer the anonymity they needed to rise above the underground facility.

The ride on the platform was silent except for a few chatting women. Once outside the comfort of the facility, everyone gathered around maps of the topography and was assigned a different section. Most of the initial area had been swept and they were being sent farther today, more ground with less people as the search circle widened. One of the security officers stopped to straighten Edward's collar. He cocked his head and laughed.

"Forgot I needed to look sharp today."

Both Nate and the officer failed to respond. Tough crowd.

The silence continued until those around him had taken their separate paths. A map, water, and a radio were the resources given to those on the search team. Only the security officers were given weapons and restraints. Their job was to circulate and survey those doing the grunt work. Nate pulled the batteries from the radio and left both along their path. They had the added advantage of knowing where the others were headed after eavesdropping. There was a hot zone down by the helicopter and vehicle storage area.

They followed the path Nate had mapped out, the one that would lead them straight East. When Edward questioned his intentions, Nate told him it was to throw anyone off the trail of his daughter.

"We're just decoys?"

"We'll meet back up eventually, but the last thing I need is to lead those monsters straight to my daughter unintentionally."

They continued to work their way down the mountainous terrain, along the marked paths. The jumpsuits gave them an excuse and purpose. The men made sure they weren't overly friendly with anyone they encountered, nor did they ignore them and attract suspicion.

"I appreciate what you've chosen to do, Edward. I know it wasn't an easy choice."

Edward swallowed hard. Good over evil, he kept trying to convince himself. But Olivia, she would now be stuck with the evil. He had left her there, knowing what lurked and preyed on her. He shook away the thought. She had chosen it.

Last night, she had knocked at his door, not even taking the time to change out of her gray camouflage uniform. He left her in the living room while he concealed his bag and escape outfit for the following day. He had made his decision and confirmed it with Nate.

"What do I owe this visit to?"

She put on a charming smile. "Can we forget today happened?"


"Then can I apologize for hurting you?"

His stomach turned. Why now? Such temptation, but he refused to go back on his word. Whatever this convoluted interaction was, it paled in comparison with how this colony treated people.

"You were just doing your job. We all have a role here."

She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into his chest. He hesitated before returning the embrace. This would be their last moment together, unless...

"What do you think about what happened? What would you have done if you were Mischa?"

Her eyes narrowed and she dropped her arms from around him. "I took an oath to serve my colony."

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