Your life

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You always lived your life as peacefully as possible. You go to school, you eat, you study, and then you go to sleep.

But you realized, you didn't want to spend the rest of your life doing the same, boring and repetitive routine.

You wanted to do something worthy, something that made other people aknowledge you.
You wanted to feel like you were living.
And so, one day, something caught your eyes. It was an article on the newspaper.

"The series of abductions are worrying everyone in town."

That's right. 5 young people have been abducted. They all have disappeared after midnight, on the street. Each night, a different person disappear.
You wanted to do something with your life. If you catch the person behind this, you're going to be a hero!

And so, you took a pepper spray, a taser, and your phone, and walked on the street of your town at midnight.

It was a nice and warm night, and you didn't feel the danger at all.
You didn't notice the pair of eyes that was staring at you from behind a house.

Your look at the time

You look around you, but there's nothing and nobody. Just the silence of the dead of the night.

That's why, when a hand slapped your mouth with a handkercheif, you heart felt like it exploded, and you immediatly took your taser and used it on the person behind you.

You had him. He was on the ground, a handsome tall man with black hair and black clothes. But your taser only immobilize the person touched with it for about 30 secondes. You, on the other hand, felt reaaaaaally sleepy. There was probably something like a drug on the handkercheif.

Damn it! No don't fall asleep! It was your time to shine! Now you're in trouble!

Oh no what is he going to do with me?

As you wonder that, you fell on the ground, and the man was slowly getting up.

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