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Satanick kicked Moge-ko's ass and untied you. Your whole body hurt and you fell on the ground.

You covered your breast with your arms and what was left of your clothes. You were grateful he saved you, but you were almost naked and he was a dangerous person. You wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth before you:

-You're so cute when you're helpless!


You were still crying a little, and you didn't know what to say so you just stared at the ground. You suddenly felt a warm cloth on you. Satanick gave you his suit and then, when he realized he could touch you again, he picked you up, and carried you back to his castle. You were too exhausted to fight back, so you just let yourself be carried. You cousciousness slowly faded away.

You woke up on the same bed you where you were chained, exept, you weren't chained, and there was bandage all over your body

Satanick was sitting in the room, which startled you. What was he going to do now?

When he realized you woke up he put one of his hand on yours and tried to kiss you again.

-eh ah w-wait!

But it was too late, you felt that the kiss was making your heart flutter, and even though you were pushing him away with your free arm, you really liked it.

When he finally finished, you were completely red, and he was smiling sadisticaly and also blushing

-Hey, (Y/n), how 'bout this? You become my cute maid, and i'll protect you from the other bad guys from this world. How does that sound?

It didn't feel like you had a choice since you didn't have the cristal anymore and he could do whatever he wanted to do with you. Plus, even if you refused and by a miracle he let you go, this demon world was way too dangerous.


He strocked your head while smiling and saying good girl, and you just looked down, blushing.

-Oh yes! I'm going to give you a cute uniform then! Wait a minute here.

You waited for more than a minute here. You heard Satanick talking to someone in the distance, and you decided to silently open to door to eavesdrop on their conversation.

-... new maid.....
-Oh? And......
-Yes! Also........

And then, you clearly heard Satanick say:

-Who would have thought that i would fell for a human?

-is that why you didn't ...... her yet?

-... yes, i'm suprised myself..........

-Man, i can't tell if she's really lucky or really unlucky .... would've been dead if you didn't like her...... ...... .....

-... hehehe..... ....

You felt your cheeks heat up suddenly and you closed the door. He... he actually liked you? He didn't just want to use you for his lust?

You heard his footsteps coming to this room and you calmly sat down on the bed. He open the door with a maid outfit.

-here, wear this. Once you're wearing it, tell me, i'll be just behind the door

Then he left the room again. You wore the outfit and realised that it was way too revealing. You opened the door just a little, so that he would just see your face and not your body, and you told him:

-Err, it's.. it's a bit to short. Do you a any um... any longer dress?


Then he opened the door wide, and looked at you while drooling a little.

-hehehehehe! ♡

He jumped on you, and threw you on the bed.

After that, you became his only human maid, and although he's forcing you to a lot of embarrassing thing, somehow, you really enjoyed it. At first, it felt that you had no other choice than to do that, since you couldn't go home. But after a while, he confessed his love to you, and treated you more like a living being than a toy to play with. You also confessed your love and you lived happily with him in this demon world.

The end

Autor's note:
[Sorry if the ending feels rushed, i wasn't sure how to finish the story.
I hope you liked it, and thanks for reading!]

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