Merciful Reciful

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You couldn't control yourself anymore.
Warm tears are flowing and your cheeks are now wet. You couldn't look at Satanick anymore so you just looked down.

-*Sniff*...uuuh *sniff*

Before he had the time to speak or touch you again, someone opened the door of the room. It was a pretty... demon, probably, since she had horns. She had long white hair and she looked stoic. Is she bad too? You just kept crying, since you couldn't hold it in at all.

-Satanick, i need you for a job. Come with me right now.

-Reciful? Aww man i didn't even have the time to enjoy anything yet! Can't you wait a bit?


-Alright, alright, alright, i'll come with you! Wait for me, (Y/n)! I'll come back as soon as i'm done hehehe! ♡


They both left.

After an hour being stuck in that room, you managed to calm down and you were thinking about what you could say to him to save yourself.
You heard the door open again, and your heart was beating hard again.
It was that girl.


She just stared at you.

-C-can you help me please?

-Yes, i can do that.

And then she came near you and set you free from the chain.

She was about to leave whitout a word, but you wanted to know who she was and why did she help you, but the only thing that came out of your mouth was

-Thank you...!

-You don't have to thank me. I'm not on your side, if i was , i would have sent you home.

And then she left.

You didn't really get it, but now you could try to escape. Even if you couldn't go back to your world, you could at least get out of Satanick's castle.

You didn't have anything on you anymore. No taser, no pepper spray, no phone. The best way to get out of here then is to be ultra discreet.

You walked through the hallway and went to a few rooms, went up and went down a few stairs. But i was no use, you were conpletely lost. This place was a big maze. As you walked through a room, you heard some footsteps. You hid in the room, inside a big cupboard, and waited for it to pass.

But it didn't pass. Actually it got closer. Did i made any sound?? Oh no the person is walking in this room!! They are just in front of the cupboard!

And then the person opened the door of the cupboard.

I was very relieved to see that demon named Reciful again.

-You're pathetic, demons can sense your presence you know? Hiding here is no use.

-ah... I-Is that so?

-here, take this.

She handed you a shiny light blue cristal.

-Eh? What is this?

-If you have this on you, Satanick won't be able to touch you.

-Ah? Really?


-Thank you so much! But, why are you helping me? You said you weren't on my side, didn't you?

-... You just happen to look like someone i'm close to.

She still had that stoic look on her face while saying that. You were a bit disappointed that it was just because you look like someone else, but you were very grateful. She left whitout saying anything else again, and you put the shiny gem inside of your pocket.

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