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As you walked through the streets you couldn't stop thinking about Satanick. You were still scared of him, but you somehow felt... attracted to him?

-Oh my god what is wrong with me

You facepalmed yourself and saw a blond young girl on the street.
She had some weird "cat" ears and was with some kind of strange walking cat?

I walked toward her

-Hello, um i'm sorry, but can you tell me if there's a way out of this world?

As you said that, you felt really embarrassed, because that was a really strange thing to ask. The girl looked really happy that you talked to her and she said

-Oooh!! A high school girl! You're sooooooo cute!

-Uh thanks??

-Too bad there's no way out of here!

Her innocent smile turned into a sadistic one and she took your hand

-I'm Moge-ko!! (Y/N)!! Say, do you like me? Do you like Moge-ko?

How did she know my name? I felt something was wrong with her.

-So? Do you like her??
-I...i uhh..Yes...?
-Woah reallyyyy? I'm sooo happy! GYAHAHAHAHAHAA!

She laughed like a psycopath, took your hand, and dragged you to a house. Of course you tried to get away, but she had a weird looking sword, and you didn't want to die.

You regretted not fighting back more, because you found yourself being chained again. This time, on a cross. Your feet were still on the ground, you both of your hands were tied above your head.

She kept laughing like a maniac, and hit you with her sword, on the surface of your skin, a little bit everywhere on your body. Because of that, your clothes were a mess and you were almost naked. You think you heard the blue cristal falling on the ground.

It hurts, it hurts

You were bleeding too much, you were scared, you didn't want to die!

-Ahh... please... stop
-No no no! You're just sooo cute i want to play with you FOREVER! gyahaha!
Oh but i gotta be careful not to kill you then aww! I wonder how much time you'll stay alive!!

You began to cry again

-*sniff* please someone... anyone...

At this point, you were even hoping for Satanick to come to your rescue.
But Moge-ko tried to bring you back to reality:

-nobody can hear you (y/n)!

-that's were you're wrong!

Moge-ko and you were both very surprised to see someone barged into this torture room.

You can't believe your eyes. It was actually Satanick!

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