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     Somewhere in Tokyo, Japan, a girl laid on her bed asleep, her (b/s) framed body covered in warm fluffy blankets. Her body fidgeted just a tiny bit, her (h/l) hair had tickled her nose a little in her sleep.

Light seeped through the (f/c) curtains that hung in front of my window. As the sun moved slowly, unnoticeably so, the light slowly moved until it landed where my eyes were. It made my eyelids tighten a little in a meek effort to block out the fiery colors that enveloped my sight. The reddish colors started to disturb my slumber I was enjoying. Still, after a long time of resistance, my eyes opened. I hissed out from the sting that came to my eyes as I raised my hand to provide a small shadow over my eyes. I slowly rose my body and blinked a few times.

I looked around my bedroom, looking at everything I put in it. I had a few pictures framed on my desk of my family, a poster or two of (f/s), a bookshelf that had loads of books, a console, and a few games. I sighed and got up for the day and headed over to my closet to pick out the usual clothes I wore during the wintertime. I hugged the (t/c) close to my chest, enjoying the warmth it gave me before putting on some house slippers and opening the door to head downstairs.

As soon as I graduated high school, my parents kicked me out. It hurt a little since it was so sudden, but the part-time job paid off since I could get a decent house, with some help from my family. I decided to make a quick breakfast since I wasn't hungry at all. It didn't take long to eat it all. I heard a knock at the door and looked at the time. 'it's 9:23 it might be a package' I headed over to the door and opened it.

"Hello Miss (L/n), I need you to sign here" The Mailman handed me a clipboard with a page that needed my information.

I took it, writing my information down, then gave it back." here you go, sir"

the man nodded and gave me my package and left with a polite goodbye." have a good day, sir"

I went back inside. I closed the door, heading over to one of my drawers to get a box cutter. I opened the box up and pulled out a figure from (f/a) and smiled, heading back up the stairs to put it by the other characters I have.

I launched onto my bed and pulled my laptop out. 'I guess I could wait before heading to the store to buy groceries.'

My thoughts trailed off as I started to read some news. 'All you ever see on the news is something about death or something that wants to make you cry from ethier laughter or sadness...'

I sighed after scrolling past one about a Florida man turning himself in for something dumb and put my laptop to sleep.

Getting up and heading for the door, I remember I needed to do a load of laundry. So I grabbed my laundry basket and headed downstairs to the laundry room to get that out of the way. Once turning the washer on, I headed for the door, checking my phone for the weather later in the day.

'it's supposed to rain, thank god I remembered to check.' I grabbed my umbrella and headed out.

As I walked out of the store, I notice it was raining, borderline pouring outside. "thank you, gods, who reminded me to bring the umbrella."

I opened the umbrella up and headed home. If I walked back without my umbrella, I would definitely get sick. Along the way, I managed to doge a few waves of water that came at me from a passing car.

"I must be in some luck today..." I walked by an alleyway paying no mind to what could be in it.


I stopped walking.







                                                                                   'Did I just hear a cat?'

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