Chapter 2

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It's been a month since I had taken in Tamaki, but he has warmed up to me, which took a crazy amount of build-up and small gestures, but I was rather happy to find out it had all paid off in the end. Days usually consisted of him lying beside me but always facing away from me, an odd trait that was rather adorable. Though like most pets, when I had to leave, he would often sit in front of the door as if it could stop me, a few times I would give in to guilt and stay a little longer before leaving and getting food for the both of us.

I had found that one of his favorite spots to be was on my freshly dried laundry or my blankets when I had just taken them out of the drier. The latter was more adorable since sometimes I can get him to lay in my lap. Though the other can be rather annoying since my clothes would get full of cat hair.

Though lately, I've been waking up to Tamaki sleeping on my chest. Which was cute but also stressful since I hated waking him up, he always seems so comfortable, and it broke my heart. Speaking of waking him up today was one of those days. I looked at him, trying to figure out if I really should wake him up, or more importantly, how.

'maybe I can pet him awake?' I slowly started to pet him, which after a bit, he woke up, giving out a small meow and started to purr a little.

'He still looks comfortable, so I guess I should wake him up like this.'


Tamaki woke up to his human petting him. He couldn't help but purr and let out a meow, waking up to her affection was one of the best things. Ever since he was brought there, his new Human had been so kind to him. He wished she was his Human from the start. Sometimes he compared her to the bright thing in the sky that helped give him warmth. He much preferred her warmth, though, if only he could face her when she was awake. Every time he tries, he feels overloaded with a feeling, and he has to turn away. He stood up and got off his Human and watched as she changed into some clothes. He hopped down and laid on the discarded clothes, getting comfortable, it still had her scent. After all, he looked at her after hearing her make a sound.


I couldn't help but laugh at that." Still needing warmth, Tamaki?" I let out a yawn and stretched before opening the door and heading down the steps. I could hear Tamaki getting up to follow me. I rather like having him around. The company was something I never realized I needed. I went over and into the kitchen and started making breakfast, only to realize I had run out of eggs. 'Guess I'll need to head to the store, I need to buy groceries anyway.' I decided to have bacon today instead of eggs and set to work. I started to hum (f/s) since the beat always got stuck in my head.

It didn't take long for the bacon to get done and happily ate it after feeding Tamaki. It seemed like he preferred anything I made, so I just made food for him as well. I stretched a bit, hearing my back pop in response to it. It must have been loud since Tamaki jumped. "Sorry, little buddy didn't mean to scare you." I headed upstairs to get some stuff ready. Lately, I've started working out, so I was getting my Yoga mat and some dumbbells I have.

Once I got everything downstairs, I started my routine. Which is running in place for 30 minutes, 20 sit-ups, then useing the dumbbells 20 each arm, and so on. By the end of it, I was on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Oh god, why did I decide to do this to myself?" I managed to get my will to move back and got up. I checked the time to see it was a little bit before lunch.

'I almost feel like eating out, but I don't want to leave Tamaki twice in one day.'

I sighed and went over and started to make lunch for myself and something for Tamaki. 'Where is Tamaki anyway?' I stopped what I was doing and looked around. I jumped when I saw him on the counter behind me. "Jeezus, you scared me! Is this payback for earlier?" I couldn't help but joke, as I petted him. His back arched in content at the sudden affection.

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