Chapter 6

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Ever since Katsuki learned how to speak, he had his own little favorite vocabulary. He also seemed to love to speak his mind, being incredibly blunt about everything. It was a massive change in character from Tamaki. He never seemed to know volume control. I was getting noise complaints from my neighbors since he'd yell his thoughts at all hours of the day. I managed to get him to quiet down, but he was still a little loud.

It was around lunchtime, and I was about to make lunch. I headed over to the kitchen and opened the fridge up. I looked around the fridge and sighed. 'I don't have enough ingredients for lunch today. I'll have to go to the store.' I sweatdropped at this. I was hoping to avoid going anywhere because of the demi-humans. It's hard to go wherever I need to go that involves the outside of my house. I heard footsteps and looked over to see Katsuki.

"What is fucking wrong?" He looked me up and down, wanting an answer. I sighed, knowing I'd have to give him one. "we don't have enough ingredients for lunch today, so-" a groan cut me off from the blonde demi-human in front of me."So you have to fucking leave and buy the shitty ingredients." My eyes narrowed at this, "hey! they're not shitty, and watch your tone, mister."

Katsuki rolled his eyes like a rebellious teen, and his eyes narrowed. "let me go with you." To say I was a little shocked by this was putting it mildly, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized exactly how selfish I was. It's been about three months since the cats I've brought home turned into Demi-humans, and I hadn't once let them out. I took a deep breath, "Get into a hoodie." I looked over at Tamaki, "you too."

The two Demi-humans practically sprinted to their rooms. I looked over at Dabi. He was a rather smart cat, and I suspected him of being offended or giving me a look of betrayal. I wasn't taking him out, but to my surprise, he looked relatively calm and didn't even try to block the door at the mention of leaving. I smiled at this and crouched down to pet him." thanks for not blocking the door, Dabi." He drank up the attention like he was dehydrated.

Soon I could hear two pairs of eager feet scrambling downstairs. I got back up from my position. I chuckled at their enthusiasm, headed over to Katsuki, grabbed his tail, put it through the loops of his jeans, placed the bottom of his hoodie over it to hide his tail, and then looked at Tamaki. He had a very fluffy tail, and it took a bit to figure out how to shield it from view. After a bit, I got an idea and grabbed one of my jackets and tied it around his waist. I placed the knot in the front and made it where the jacket's hood acted as a place to put his tail, so now it's hidden, then placed their hoods up.

I smiled and headed for the door." you two coming?" They nodded eagerly and walked over to me. I smiled at them and looked at Dabi." Ok, Dabi, hold the fort down while we're gone, don't worry, we'll come back" I turned back to the door, opened it, and walked out.

The two Demi-humans in disguise looked around a bit, not used to seeing the outside again. They stuck close to me as we headed toward the store. I giggled a little watching them get attracted toward birds or maybe a tv in the window playing something. Even with a humanoid form, they were still technically cats.


Katsuki was glad (Y/N) let him come, though he couldn't help but growl at everyone within a 5ft radius, and if anyone looked at His Human in a way he didn't like, he'd send a frightening death glare toward them. Of course (Y/N) was none the wiser to it all being at the front of their little group. He looked over to the Coward or his real name Tamaki and saw him inch closer to (Y/N) every minute, and it was Pissing him off. She is always 'poor baby'-ing that Coward, and he hated it.


The store's walk soon came to an end, and I looked to my disguised companions, smiling. I turned back and walked through the sliding doors. They were a little weary to the doors but eventually followed in after me. I went through the aisles for some of the ingredients, then got to the spices and reached for one, but Katsuki slapped my hand away.

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