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Why did they all lie about who they were? Why did they all play the role of someone else? Why weren't they who they said they were? Why did they do the things they did? Why did they go so far for what they wanted?

The question 'why?' played a huge part in their lives, so many questions, so little answers.

All they wanted was to prove them all wrong, society turned their back on them, shunned them when all they ever needed was someone else. Yet they had each other now, and that was all they needed.

Society may have turned their backs on them, but they'd never turn on each other. After all, they're fighting for the same thing.

"Are you really sure you want to do this?"

"Absolutely, I'm not waiting around any longer, it's time for a change and we're going to be painting the future of it."

And so it began.

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