Iffy Introduction

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(Y/n) ran as fast as they could.

'Chi is going to kill me!'

A couple of stumbles, trips, and a cramp later, I arrived at Chichi's house.

(Y/n) knocks on the door, huffing and puffing.

The door opened, and I'm pulled inside. I didn't even have to look up to see who it was.

"Where have you been?! You should have been here earlier!" Chichi practically screamed in my ear.

A boy which I think is her son, and a man, who I'm pretty sure is her husband cringe at her loud voice.

When she was done lecturing me on time management, she introduced me to her family.

"Gohan, this is your auncle (Y/n). (Y/n) this is my son Gohan."

I smiled brightly, and sat on my knee, so I'm his level.

"Nice to meet you squirt," (Y/n) said, booping his nose.

"Nice to meet you too (Y/n)," Gohan giggled, booping my nose.

(Y/n) chuckled, and stood up straight again.

"(Y/n), this is my normal husband Goku. Goku, this is my sibling (Y/n)."

I rolled my eyes.

"Chi, no one is normal. Everyone is weird in their own way. Even you."

Goku seemed to smile a little at that.

We shook hands.

"Are you a fighter?" Goku asked.

"What an out of the blue question," (Y/n) chuckled. "But to answer your question, yes."

Goku's face lit up.

"Oh! Can we spar-"

"Goku! No! You are normal!"

"Chichi, let me answer his question."

Chichi spun on her heel, and walked to the kitchen.

"I don't think we can spar just yet. I'm looking for a trainer so I can get better. I can tell just by looking at you that you fight often, so I wouldn't really be a good match for you."

"Oh! Really? Maybe Mr. Piccolo can train you too!"

I glanced down at the small boy.

"Mr. Piccolo? Who's that?"

"Piccolo is er..a friend of mine. He's very distant," Goku answered.

I nodded, showing that I understood.

"He'll be training me today. Want to come?" Gohan asked.

"No! No! My sibling is not going to a training session with that..that-"

"Chichi! What has gotten into you?" I questioned my sister.

"You haven't seen him before! He's an alien from space!"

"Chi, you're delusional."

"A-Actually, he is an alien," Gohan meekly clarified.

"For real? That's cool."

Goku and Gohan looked surprised.

"You don't hate aliens?" Goku inquired.

"Hate them? No! I don't discriminate."

The boys smiled.

"That's good to hear."

Gohan glanced up at a nearby clock.

~Quite Peculiar~ Piccolo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now