"Take it or leave it."

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I was riding on Piccolo's back, as he flew me home.

I listened to the wind as it brushed past my face.

The ride has been silent, until I cleared my throat.

"What?" Piccolo snapped.

I sighed. "I know we got off on the wrong foot, but-"

"Shut up. I don't want to become your friend. If it wasn't for Gohan, you would still be at that wasteland."

I have had it.

"Why are you such a stick in the mud?! I just wanted to fix things with you, and you shut me down! What is wrong with you?!"

Piccolo said nothing as he stopped flying.

He removed his hands from under my thighs, and I felt myself slipping.

"P-Piccolo," I warned.

My hands were slipping from his neck.


I was falling.

I tried reaching for his cape, my fingers barely brushing it.

Piccolo looked down at me, before flying away.

I knew I was going to hit the ground soon, if I didn't think of something quick.

I didn't want another almost death experience in the same night.

I turned around so I was facing the trees.

I quickly thought of every way I could get to the ground safely.





I latched onto a stray branch, and hung onto it.

I sighed of relief.


Then I was falling again.

I hit my head several times on the way down.

When I finally felt the rough grass on my skin, I silently cheered.

'I made it. In the worst way possible.'

I stood up, and dusted myself off.

My head was pounding.

I felt something wet flow down my face.

I place a hand on my head, and observed it.


I panicked.

'I need to stop the bleeding! What do I do?!'

'Calm down (Y/n). Think, survival skills.'

I took off my shirt, and ripped it, wrapping it around my head.

'Okay. That should hold up for a while. Now, where am I sleeping? I don't know where the heck that oversized lima bean dropped me.'

Over the sound of my head pounding, animal sounds wrack my brain.

'I'm definitely not sleeping out here.'

I glanced around the area, looking for someplace for me to rest my head.

I found a small cave.

I crept up to it, and hesitated before going inside.

~Quite Peculiar~ Piccolo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now