Jai Imagine // Romantic

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jai brooks imagine
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You step into your dreadful school, immediately wanting to go back home. The people here are annoying and unsociable clearly the only reason you came was to see your best friends and learn. But mostly to see your crush. Jai, one of the most popular guys but everyone thinks he's a jerk. Just another player is what most of your friends think but you can see the potential in him. He might be known as a jerk with his life as an open book but you're the only one who can see who he truly is.

You rush into your first class not wanting to be late again and take a seat near the back of the room along with your friends. Half an hour later, Jai walks in with his backpack slinging around his arm. You love how his hair is slightly pushed back and how his shirt is tightly pressed on his body. Jai was stunning and when he looked back of the room to you, your body was sent back with shivers of nervousness. Jai walked towards you taking an empty seat right in front of you.

"Hey d-do you have the w-work from yesterday?" he asks you looking right into your eyes. You can't help but stare at his perfect features, but you quickly look away before he thinks you're some creep.

"Yeah h-here." you whisper and give him yesterday's assignment. You can't stop thinking about how you looked or sounded, what did he think of you or why did he keep staring at you? Probably because he thinks I'm weird.

The day is almost over and you can't stop and think about how Jai was looking at you throughout the whole day, especially at lunch. He sat two tables across from you and all he did was stare. He looked away occasionally but looked at you most of the time. In reality what you didn't know was he thought you were beautiful and knew you were definitely something else, not like the other girls.

It's now time for gym, finally the last period of the day.

You change in the locker room to your gym sweats and shoes before locking your belongings and meeting your friends in the gym.

"What's up with you? All you did today was stare at Jai literally." your best friend says looking at you for some response but you were in a trance. Staring completely at Jai.

"Hello? Oh my god you have a crush on Jai!" she yells but you quickly cover her mouth. Thank god the gym was always so loud.

"N-no well yes." you admit while trying to hide the cover of pink on your cheeks.

"Yeah I already knew you kinda had a thing for Jai, it's so noticeable. Just be careful he is a player remember." she says before leaving you there wondering if he really was what people thought about him.

"Wait watch out!" you hear someone yell before you get smacked in the head with a basketball.

"Ow what the fuck!" you yell turning around to be met with Jai.

"Fuck I am so so sorry!" he says placing you in between his arms. He's hugging you whilst examining the spot where you got hit.

"Does it hurt?"

"Yes a lot." you say rubbing your head

"Come with me I'll take you to the nurse." he says holding your hand. You're about to say no but realize this is the only time he'd actually talk to you so you go along with.

The nurse gives you an ice pack and sends both of you back to gym but before you enter Jai stops you near the bathrooms.

"Um, (Y/N) c-can I tell you something?" he asks rubbing his hand between yours. You notice your hands are together but you don't want to take them apart.

"I-I didn't think I'd actually have the guts to say this but I can't hold it in anymore. I love the way y-you fix your hair in class a-and laugh at the dumbest jokes your friends make and how you look at me- what I'm trying to say is I t-think I like you." he says completely in nervousness, he's blushing so hard and you can feel how sweaty his hands are. He looks at you and your lips for a while before you said what you also couldn't hold any longer.

"Jai I like you so much I just didn't have the guts to say it either." you laugh before noticing Jai wrapping his arm around your waist.

"Well in that case, w-will you p-please be my girlfriend (Y/N)?" he says leaning in closer to you, almost closing the gap between you both.

"I would love to." you say and notice the biggest smile on his face. He holds your face in his hands before giving you a soft and warm kiss, one you've wanted from him for a long time.

"You're the only girl I've thought is worth being the girl I'd love." he says before giving you another kiss that he's wanted from you for a very long time.

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