Luke Imagine// Sexual

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You've been invited to a party to go with your friends, but you honestly don't even feel like going. You decline the invitation but as usually you're forced to go. Your friends come over and help you pick out an outfit and prepare you for the party. An hour later you look at yourself in your mirror and are shocked by how completely stunning you look.
"Holy shit (Y/N) you look gorgeous! Now c'mon let's go!" your friends rushed you to the car along with your other friends and arrive at the party in no time. The music blares from inside and the lights blind you once you step in. You look around you and clearly this wasn't your thing. About half an hour later you feel uncomfortable by the amount of men asking you to dance so you sit down near a corner with a small couch that nobody is occupying.

You notice a young boy on the other side of the room sitting all by himself as well just using his phone not giving a damn of his surroundings. He immediately looks up from his phone and catches you staring at him. How embarrassing, he probably thinks you're some creep. You look away but glance back and notice he's walking towards you. You're mentally freaking out when he walks up to you and sits next to you.
"Hey, got nothing to do huh?" he asks with a smile on his face waiting for your reply.
"Uh.. yeah." you say causing him to let out a small groan.
"Aw c'mon I mean parties are for having fun! Not for being all alone and bored the whole time." he grins staring back down at his phone.
"Well I guess I could say the same about you." I laugh, his face growing a small smirk before laughing.
"Well true, I admit parties aren't my thing." he smiles but before you can say anything he stands up approaching you.
"Would you care to dance... uh I didn't catch your name."
You say your name and he tells you his name is Luke. He is quite handsome, oh well not handsome more like hot as fück!
"So what do you say (Y/N), would you care to dance?" he asks extending his arm to you. You nod and grab his hand whilst he leads you into the crowd. A small rhythmic beat comes on and luke grabs your hips from behind as you move your body in small circles. You're completely nervous of what he would think, are you even doing this right?
"You know, you should loosen up babe. Live the night like there's no tomorrow." he whispers into your ear before pulling your body closer to his. His hands travel from your hips to your chest as you feel his lips travel to your ear, his teeth slowly grazing over it.
"Don't be afraid, just have fun." he whispers before leaving small wet trails down to your neck sucking slowly but so damn good at the same time. You try to bite your lip from moaning as his hand travels from your waist to your chest. You can't help but feel a sensation that he makes you feel once his body grinds on you, your ass pressed upon his bulge as small moans that only you can hear escape his lips.
"Live the night like there's no tomorrow baby." he whispers once again before turning your body around to face his. You stare into his hazel brown eyes ignoring the blaring music or the drunk people around you.
"God damn, you're so beautiful. I just want to take you." he whispers before you slide your hand to take in his curls. You look down to your feet before contemplating on what to do. You've never done it before but you had an urge that was uncontrollable. You wanted him so bad, as he did to you. Either way you would end up regretting your decision in the morning. You look back into his eyes and nod your head before touching his hand and leading him up a few stair cases approaching the rooms. Fuck, they were all taken.
"I know a place. I'll take you there but as long as you don't change your mind. I mean if you do it's fine.. it's all up to you." he says and you smile before leading him outside. He takes you to his car and turns the ignition on.
"You sure you're not a pedophile?" you ask before closing the car door.
"Oh babe if I was a pedophile I would have fucked the shit out of you already." he grins and takes you to a small lake nearly 15 minutes away from the party.
He takes you to the small lake and takes his shirt off as well as his pants. He grabs a small pocket from his jeans and removes his boxers. Fuck, that was going to go inside you? He jumps in the water and yells for you to come in.
You slowly take your clothes off except for your bra and panties. Thank god it was summer and the water wasn't cold. You jump in and swim to luke as he brings you to his chest.
"You really are beautiful, I promise after this I won't let you go." he whispers placing a strand of hair behind your ear.
"You sure you want to do this?" he whispers looking into your eyes for reassurance.
"I do, just please take it slow.. I haven't-"
"I'll take you slow baby, I promise."

His hand travels from your back up to your hips and down, rubbing your sides for a bit before his lips connect to yours. His lips are so soft and wet, you can't help but kiss him back with so much passion. You wanted him now.
His lips traveled from your lips down to your neck as he left soft kisses. He finally found your g spot causing small moans to leave your body. You wrap your legs around luke's waist feeling his arms and torso. You could feel his bulge pressed on your panties. All you wanted him to do right now was take your clothes off and just take you right then and there.
"Baby... I can't resist anymore. Can I?" he asks tracing his fingertips to your bra. You slightly nod and he does as told unclipping your bra. His eyes travel your chest for a couple of seconds before he looks up to you. His hands travel from your chest to your panties, removing them in an instant. He holds your face with one hand so you're looking right into his eyes. "Keep looking at me and don't look away." he says firmly before sliding one finger into you slowly. You felt a small touch of pain in between your legs but it quickly went away.
You bite your lip but can't control your moans leaving your body. He quickly slides in a second finger, moving it a quicker pace. He bites his lip and lets out small moans as you feel his fingers rush into you in so many ways.
"Please l-luke." you moan leading him to remove his boxers and slides on the condom he has.

"You really want this baby?" he asks before you nod your head and he slides into you slowly.
You let out a groan of pain and clench your fists at his sides biting your lip from screaming.
"I'm sorry baby, I can go slower."
"N-no don't just continue." you say and he does holding your sides and taking you slowly but yet so passionately. After a couple of minutes the pain from your body is replaced with pleasure as his thrusts move at a quicker pace. You can't help but tighten your legs around his waist and letting out a loud moan.
"F-fuck you're so tight." he groans pulling his head back taking you faster by the minute.
His length takes you by surprise as he deepens into you faster and you can't help but release.
"Fuck Luke i'm gonna cum!" you yell leaving your nails to scratch his back and pull at his curls.
"S-shit baby hold on." he whispers before letting out small moans and rolling his head back once again.
"Cum baby, cum." he groans before you release all over his dick. You both release and can't help but moan at the feeling, it was incredible.
You lay your head on his chest, listening to his fast heartbeat and gasps.
"I won't let you go." he whispers hugging you tightly around his wet and strong arms.
"I won't either luke." you say kissing his lips once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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