Beau Imagine// Sweet

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You and Beau have been dating for a while now. Everything seems to be going fine between you both, but just recently you have got into an argument. He's not calling or texting you he doesn't even take a look at you when you both cross the halls. You were really mad at him too, he was always paying more attention to some other girl than you. Even though you weren't really meant to be the 'jealous' type, he really infuriated you this time. Whenever you tried to uphold his attention he'd be talking to that one girl.

You decided you've had enough and wanted to fix what was going on between you both. Beau always stands in front of the school talking with his friends so you decide to go up to him.

"Beau can we talk?" you ask now gaining attention from his group of friends.

"About what? How jealous you are?" he says before pulling you aside from his friends.

"How can you say I'm jealous? You wouldn't want me to flirt with one of your friends all the time!" you yell not caring about what people have to think, you just want to clear things up with Beau and it didn't matter to you if people were watching.

"Flirt? I wasn't flirting with anyone! Oh but yet again you go ahead and always assume shit." he says before walking into the school right at the bell. You walk into your first class mad at Beau mad at that girl mad at everything. Also mad at the fact gym was your first class.

You change in the bathrooms and notice Beau roaming around the gym. You quickly put your shoes on and walk up to your friends trying to ignore him but once he sees you he runs up to you with a dreadful face.

"We need to talk (Y/N) please." he whispers trying to nudge at your waist but you push him back almost causing him to fall.

"You're an asshole you know that?" you say trying to hold in the tears but no can do.

"I know I am but please just let me talk to you only for 5 minutes than I promise I'll leave you alone." You nod leading the way from the gym not trying to be caught by any of the teachers. You don't even know why you're giving Beau a chance to explain himself after how he made you look. Maybe it's because you actually want to give him a chance, because you simply don't want to let him go.

"Follow me." he says taking his hand in yours leading you into the janitor's closet. Surprisingly it was open, meaning the janitor would be back soon.

"Hurry and explain yourself Beau and no bullshit." you say taking a seat on an empty box.

"First I want you to know I never had anything to do with that girl she's just a really good friend (Y/N). Seriously you should get to know her she's pretty cool. Anyway you know I wouldn't do anything like that baby." he says caressing your cheek but you turn away.

"You made me look like a fool in front of everyone Beau."

"I know and I'm so sorry (Y/N). Really, I was just so mad that you'd think that way about me. Like I'm another player or some shit I don't know. But please forgive me?" 

You notice how firm he is how much he wants you to forgive him. You notice he's never been this way before and you almost feel bad for assuming he had something with that girl.

"I'm sorry Beau." you stand up to face him his thumb holding under your chin.

"For what?"

"For b-being uh-" you say avoiding the fact that you were completely jealous.

"For being..?" he teases you before having a laughter fit almost causing him to fall.

"You're so cute you know that baby?" he says holding your waist and pulling himself closer to you.

"Especially when you're jealous." he says touching your nose making you blush completely. He kisses your temple before closing the gap between you both. He kisses you softly not even separating yourselves for a bit of air. This is what you wanted. This is what you needed most of all. You needed him to show how much he loved you just like you did to him.

"You make me crazy (Y/N), so so crazy." he says placing his hand on your cheek but you both jump when your hear the door knob trying to open.

"Dammit I left the keys in there. Billy you got em keys?" the janitor says walking sway. This is your opportunity to leave so Beau opens it slowly and takes your hand leading you into the halls.

"I won't make you jealous again babe." he laughs before kissing you once more and smiling in between it this time.

"I love you (Y/N) so much." Beau says leaving you in his arms leaving both of you standing in the middle of the empty hall together.

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