Help me

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This chapter contains
- abuse
-foul language
- cutting
- drinking

Bakugou pov
"Oh god" I think as I stare at my front door I dont know why I say god as if they would help me, for years i have  gone through hell and hell I mean my parents they were once good people but drugs and alcohol took a hold of them, and it had all begun on that fateful day of second grade

Flashback in third POV 
Little bakugou had just received a letter of suspension for making a kid bleed it was an accident but they didn't believe him and
There he was in the back seat of the car his mother and father owned the car ride was silent but that silent soon disappeared when they arrived inside the house bakugous mother was not pleased so she smacked him and smacked him and smacked him till he was bleeding just a bit she then left leaving bakugou to his dad his dad's beating were the worst, his father repeatedly punched, kicked, and even strangled.

Flashback over

Bakugous pov
As I turn the knob the door swings open and reveals the person I dread most..... my father next thing I know I'm being pulled in by my hair "brat" and "worthless" and other words were thrown at me just like my father's fist and legs attack me. I dont believe my mothers home she never Is anymore I think because she off getting high or drunk I just hope she doesnt come home I doubt I'd be able to handle another beating, as I process my thoughts I noticed I'm not in the living room - shit- no-no-no-no no-no I'm in my father's bedroom began to hear the sound of buckling and I feel my pants being pulled off

Third POV
Bakugou struggles to get out he knows what is about to happen....

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