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Todoroki POV
     I look at bakugou in suprise even though he is beat up he's still cute as ever
   "YES!" he jumped as if he was scared by the own volume if his voice.We both blush and turn our heads to footsteps bakugou looks a bit scared but the relaxed to person who opens the door...Momo guess she was still here
  "Ha ha o-okay you have a lot of stairs  sweetheart...anywho your father said he had an emergency and would be out for two weeks so he asked if I would stay with you to make sure that you dont get into trouble." I'm a little jealous she so lucky she gets to spend two whole weeks with him.
Bakugou POV
    I blush as momo begins to tackle me and give me hugs as she begins to speak
  "I asked my family and they said yes and right now we gonna go to the store and pick up yourself a bed"
      Time skip to after they get a bed and stuff

     Me and todoroki finish doing the bed as momo left to get groceries because she noticed we had nothing left but then again when do we have food in this house the only thing we have in this house is alcohol.
   "Hey bakugou"
  "Why are.." theres a knock on the door and then it opens to then  reveal momo
  "Heyy guys can I get help with the groceries please"
*Another time skip to when the finish putting the groceries*

    Me and momo and todoroki finish putting the groceries away and currently me and momo are laughing at who knows what
  "Hey bakugou may I speak with you for a moment upstair?"

   "Uh yeah"
Both me and him walk up the stairs as he pushes me up against the wall and begins to kiss me
Third POV
    I start making out with bakugou as he let's out my name in a moan
  "S-shoto mmmh"
I begin to attack his neck as to leave hickeys
    "Haha shit shoto"
  I let go of him and admire the work I did him panting with saliva dropping down his chin which I most likely both mine and his and hickey covering his neck.
    "Now.your.mine you got that but I got to go princess I'm coming over tomorow so be ready"
   I give a quick kiss then leave tomorow is gonna be fun we have two weeks off at school so this is going to be fun.

Will the voices ever stop mom? (todobaku)Where stories live. Discover now