Chapter 1: New life

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When your parents tell you stories as a kid of vampires, werewolves, and evil creatures completely unimaginable to your small mind, it scares you. I remember my mom telling me this story of a great king, who was eaten by his half-brother, a troll. As a child I only screamed and laughed at my mothers stories. I never thought that after my father and her passed away   that I would blame their deaths on mystical beings. I did though. Everyone in my small town of aproximately 254, had thought i had gone completely crazy. The only thing that kept me from going to a mental institution was the fact that I was a minor and had just gone through something completely tragic.

The papers said it was a duo murder that ended terribly. Murder, but it also stated that they killed each other. Duo homicide. However, it also listed that the fire that had been set was set after  there deaths. Which in turn they ranted about how one had killed the other, set the place on fire, and then killed themselves. Different articles had different stories, and the public was quite confused. They weren't the only ones though. The police and firemarshal, along with the corner were also completely flabbergasted. It was well known that my house had been set on fire. The weird part is, my parents bodies were completely unchared. Also the time of death, puts them dieing an hour and a half after the fire was set. The room they were in had been completely demolished by the flames. Even the floor underneath their bodies. So why hadn't they?

Another questioned thing was the fact that they had both died at the same time from the same thing. The murder weapon itself, wasn't even found in this century anymore. Infact they called in a historian, from the Smithsonian and he couldn't even tell us what it was, or how old it was. A scientist was also called in to find out about the metal, used in the weapon.

"Its so very, odd. This metal isn't even on the Periodic table." he had said, and then asked to keep the weapon. To me it looked like an old medieval lance of some sort. The only thing off was the fact that what should have been rounded and pointed, was flattened like a blade. It was far to big to be a sword for any man, but after a much concluded discussion, the scientist and historian deemed it just that. A sword. The man who wielded this would have had to have been aproximately seven to ten feet tall.

The police and the council of the town met, and they deemed it murder and through out a Romeo and Julliet clause. I had tried and tried again to get them to tell them the truth, to tell them something was out there. I failed miserably, however, and I even managed to anger the head of the council.

"Nothing like that happened. You have gone through quite a lot and I don't know why the officers allowed you to stay in tune to the investigation. Now rest assured we will have someone take care of  you. Now, be a good little girl and go to school or something."

He was harsh and completely uncaring. Seeing as how I had no immediate familly, that I knew of, there was a trail to see whether or not I was to possibly go to an orphanage or if i was going to stay with my moms bestfriend. I was 16 so nothing I said would matter. I tried saying I could take care of myself, but the courts told me I was to unstabble to do so. It was the final day of the trail and for some reason the air seem heavier. People were dressed to there best and waitng to see what the judge announce.

"I will now give custody to-----" He was cut off when the doors to the court room slowly opened.

"This way ma'am" A man dressed in a professional suit said. Everyone turned to see just who had decided to interrupt the hearing. Slowly, but surely, a small old woman began to walk through the doors. Her clothes were rather old fashioned, and she was very short. At first she kept her head towards the ground as she walked, but soon she lifted it and you could see the confidence and wisdom that was ettched from years of knowledge.

"Madame, this is a private hearing. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The judge had stated. He even motioned towards security.

"Private hearing? Yet you have the poor girl on display for pratically the whole town. You Americans make me sick. I am here by law to pick up MY granddaughter. Now, if  you will I have my daughters will with me." The older woman spoke and the whole court room tensed.

"Granddaughter you say? Bailey bring me this 'will' would you." The judge seemed to be teasing the older woman. Bailey one of the security guards came to the small woman, and took the form from her hand. The judge smirked thinking that he knew everything. However, when the form reached his hand, his eyes widened. The older woman smirked and cocked her head to the side.

"This court rules that Elise Lawley will now be in the care of her grandmother Mariana Whellis" He said. Shocking the entire court room. The older woman popped up beside me.

"You ready to come home, love?" The older woman said smiling at me sweetly. Taking my hand in hers.

"Home?"I had asked. Looking at her confused.

"Yes, home. To england. To start a new life." She had said. I never knew my life would change this much in such a short time. i never knew that with those words my life would be swept away. I never knew that i would never be the same again. 

My name is Elise Lawley and my life would forever be a spiral of events.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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