Somethings Off

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Fast forwarding time, it was now settling into the evening.

Both Diabolus twins were quietly chatting amongst themselves at their desk, to be more specific, when you first enter the guild and then you see a desk straight ahead. Yeah, that desk. There was a rather pleasant feeling to the air around them too...

Mario walks in downstairs after separating from Boat just outside. He seemed to be very worried. But He wasn't able to tell the Guildmasters for Boat was up stairs now.

Boat walked in seeing Ritchie was back. His natural attitude was back, but if you'd pay really close attention, he seemed slightly off.

"Ah, Mario," Ritchie politely greeted the Cavern Dragon Slaver when he walked in, but, then he backtracked. What- Mario? And worry? That's-

"Boat, I see you've come back," Brandon greeted the newest guild member as he looked away from his brother. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Yet, at least.

Boat smiles and nods. "Yeah I was starting to think now would be the best time." Walking over to the Guildmasters ignoring Mario.

Mario waves weakly, but says nothing. He didn't want to anger Boat, it wasn't in his best interest right at this moment. But his worry seemed to show still. Something was bugging him, and Boat was his gag.

Brandon gave a mutual head nod back, "I guess it would be a good idea to-"

Ritchie wasn't focusing on their conversation. He was still staring Mario down, his eyebrows furrowing with confusion. The weak wave, the worry shown. Something was wrong. "...Mario?" Ritchie mentions his name, rather softly. "Are you okay? You look, worried."

Mario stays silent and looks down. 'Oh God. Not now, not with Boat still here.' He looks up now with I calm and composed expression. "I'm  fine I was just lost in my thoughts that's all." But his voice seemed to slightly change.

Boat turns around and tilts his head. "Oh Hey Mario." He acts as if this is the first Time they meet today. Looking down at the dragon slayer. His eyes showing annoyance.

Brandon suddenly felt the air shift, a cold windy breeze whisping into the room. His eyes kind of narrowed, and now he could feel something was off.

"Alright... If you say so." Ritchie replied with a small frown, still feeling like something was off.

Brandon watched the interaction between the two guild members, seeming to analyze there every move.

Mario looks at Boat as if he was unable to let anymore be spoken. He turns and heads to the Bar looking slightly like a scared pup. "Hi." His voice was curt.

Boat returns his natural look and roles his eyes. Turning back to the Guildmasters his movement was normal,  but seemed almost too natural. "Anyways I came to report back about the mission from earlier. The message that was left to both of you." Trying to grab both their attention.

Brandon and Ritchie shared a quick glance before slowly turning back to Boat, they seemed to have had a brief yet silent twin talk moment. "Oh?" Ritchie chimes, raising an eyebrow up.

"Yes, I have told Ritchie what you had told me Boat." Brandon informed, an unreadable expression on his face. "I'm curious to see what you'lll have to say," Ritchie politely smiled, resting his elbows on the desk.

Boat nods, "All I have to say that his confused me a lot. I still don't understand it but the message was,
'Two may rule,
One will see,
Other will hear,
Fellow child will return below the midnight hour,
From new beginning,
To painful end.' " He shifts back a fourth feeling slightly more uncomfortable now. He remembers the fight and the stupid things they throwed at him. Like that black liquid.

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