Some time had passed, and Brandon hadn't moved from his spot. His spot, specifically, was a chair placed next to the med-bay bed Lucas was in. Brandon was able to clean up some of the blood on Lucas's body, but it just kept spilling, especially from his mouth. So he eventually gave up on that but tried to make sure it didn't overflow to much.
He didn't say it, but he was worried. What if, what if Lucas really does die? He probably sped up the process, but he had to knock him out and drain his energy-
Suddenly, there were footsteps growing louder and louder in the distance, making Brandon perk up and look towards to the door... Only to then see a cat with angel wings come fly into the room. "I came as quickly as I could!" Ah it was Lo'Pho.
And Lo'Pho's eyes instantly landed and locked onto Lucas. "Ohhhh dear. That, does not look good."
Brandon would have scoffed, but he remained blank. "You think?"
Lo'Pho walked over to the bed, grimacing as he saw the state of which Lucas was in.
With the body unconscious, E.Brandon couldn't get the information he wanted. His brother wouldn't be too pleased, but he could only gain so much control in the little amount of time he had. The boy's body wasn't in the best shape either.
Lucas let's out violent coughs seeming more and more likely he was loosing a battle within. The markings seemed to shift this time. As if they were trying for control again.
Lo'Pho made some sort oh noise, like a pained yikes almost. "This does not appear to be good," he had to stand on his tiptoes a bit just to be able to see... the markings? "What is with these markings? Would you happen to know anything about them? They in fact look a bit like your own-"
"Let's- focus on the more important matter." Brandon cut off, feeling unsettled by the fact that Lucas could die at any given moment.
Lo'Pho looked at Brandon, as if he to say he was going to question him more later on, but gave a firm nod. The c- warrior, ahem, got up closer to Lucas. He raised his paws up into the air and closed his eyes, "Healing Aura," with that soft call of his spell. A gracious circle appeared onto the bed, surrounding Lucas specifically. The ring had multiple different strange symbols on it, the color being all gold-ish and emitting a comforting glow. The circle slowly rotated around and around, these almost twinkly little stars appearing from it and rising from the ground up, only to then disappear into the air.
Brandon stood back and let Lo'Pho work his magic... pun not intended.
The markings began to react badly and shift around trying to avoid the light being so close. Lucas grunts in pain and tears up. The damage healing up but only to be stopped by the markings as they past by ripping them open again. The boy let's out a choked scream out in pain. Someone was still close enough to stop him from healing
E.Brandon watched with a sadistic smile on his face. If he couldn't get information, why not play with the boy.
Mario shifts back and forth and looks at Ritchie when he hears screaming.
Ritchie didn't blame Mario, he was worried to. And openly showed it. But, he remained level-headed. Tried. He kept his arms cross and gave a sad shake of his head towards Mario.
Meanwhile, Brandon found it hard to stay in the room. So did Lo'Pho, but he had to stay put and push on. With a small grunt, Lo'Pho pushed with his magic. Making the light from the circle go from flickers, to a simple glow. It felt like something was fighting him, like some dark magic force. "Brandon," said person perked, "I believe someone is countering back my magic. Perhaps someone is nearby," Lo'Pho told, his eyes peeking open a bit.
We rps need to be seen.
Hayran KurguI find this story need to be told. Any rp that is perfectly layed you before you should be shared. I will give credit if they want to have credit. Artwork done by TheDevilWolf Credit gos to @BeepBoop- Her roles: Ritchie Brandon Lo'pho