Chapter 5

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A month had gone by since we bumped into each other in the club that night, and a lot had happened in that month since we started hanging out more and more. Our friendship was as close as it had ever been, we talked all the time and  saw each other quite regularly. Dinah, herself and I were all best friends, it had all happened so quickly and honestly out of no where. I was thankful to have them, there was still some issues with Lucy and everything so to have them close and have people I could lean on and turn too, it was exactly what I needed. But I was still having issues when it came to my feelings, and I still didn't know what to do. I could probably be happily married to someone and still have feelings for Camila, so to be so close to this girl whilst we were both single and just finishing long term relationships, it was so hard. But I was really happy with the time I got to spend with the both of them, after Lucy I thought all the things I enjoyed doing with her would kill me if I did them alone or with someone else, but they started to be enjoyable again. I started to feel okay, I started to think that live was worth living and that the anxiety and hardship that I had experienced, that everyone told me would go away was indeed starting to be okay.

'Heya, are you busy?' Dinah had text me, we hung out alone sometimes but not often so I was thinking that something was wrong.

'Nah, what's up?'

'Wanna catch up for a coffee? Wanna chat about something... nothing to stress about before you start stressing haha' Even her saying not to stress, I was still stressed.

'Haha sure, but still stressed 😜'

'Dud, I'll meet you soon.'

I jumped in the car and headed to where we usually get coffee to find Dinah already sitting there. "Hey Lo" I sat down across from her, "get that stressed look off your face" I laughed, "sorry, anxiety." She rolled her eyes, "So obviously I wanted to talk to you about Camila." I nodded, "is she okay?" I asked, she seemed to be okay to me and she did tell me whenever things weren't okay but there could be things that she only wanted to talk to Dinah about. "I think so, I just wanted to talk about you two." Oh god, I'm scared. "Oh" she laughed, "I'm not gonna bloody grill you would you relax?" "Could you blame me, you're scary." We both just laughed, I needed to relax, she was one of my best friends. "I know you guys have always been close, physically as well, but is there something going on with you two?" She asked, I shook my head, "look not that I know of, Camila has always been pretty close with me and I've always been protective of her. I've been questioning it as well, but we haven't spoken about anything so..." she nodded, "did you want there to be?" She asked, I paused for a moment, unsure on how to answer, "I'll be honest with you... I love her, I always have loved her and I think I always will love her. If something did happen between us, I would definitely explore it, I think we're good for each other but we both just got out of long serious relationships and if we did, I'd want to take things slowly and not get into a relationship straight away but yeah, I don't know." She smiled, "I'm glad that's the way you're thinking, because I agree with you, I think there is something special that the both of you have and for you to come back to each other the way you have I think something is bound to happen but I'm glad you'd wanna take things slow and make sure it's the right thing to do." I nodded, "were older now, we've learned things and grown so I think either way it's going to be interesting." If we did get back into a relationship, we are 2 years older and it would be intriguing to see how we would be, compared to our previous relationship. "And what about other people? Lucy? Shawn? Family?" Dinah asked, "yeah look it would be complicated I think, Lucy and Shawn would probably hate us if they don't already, family I don't know, I see Camila's parents a lot at work and they're always nice to me, my family I think would just like to see me happy again, they really struggled to see me so depressed when everything happened with Lucy, so I'm not sure. I guess we would have to address that if it ever happened, but I guess if we were happy then the people that arnt happy for us arnt important." I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't have time for people who didn't give a shit anymore, I didn't want drama and negative comments. "You've got a fair point there." Dinah smiled, "I appreciate your thoughts and your honestly though, I just want you to both to be happy and if that's with each other then that's good." Our conversation was cut off when Dinah's phone started to ring, she looked it and laughed showing me that it was Camila, "hello... I am out with Lauren... she's my friend too, you gotta share...we're at the usual...okay bye." Dinah started to laugh, "she got home and I wasn't there and I told her I was with you and she got jealous so now she's coming here." I laughed, "what a dud." She put her phone down and looked at me seriously, "I am so on team Camren though." I shook my head and burst out laughing "oh god." Moments later Camila came through the door searching the room for us, when she found us her eyes lit up and she ran over to us. I noticed she was still in her gym clothes, "jeez you must have missed us, have you even showered?" She chuckled and shook her head, "nope... so what were you two chatting about?" She raised an eyebrow at us, "oh just all about you." I said winking at her, she smiled and flicked her hair, "duh, of course." Dinah punched her lightly and shook her head when once again our conversation was cut by a phone ringing, this time it was Camila's. "Hello? Hey Normani... ah I'm just having coffee with Dinah an-" she cut herself short almost telling Normani that she was with me too. "And just going home after." She saved herself, looking at me with relief on her face. "Yeah, we could do dinner tomorrow night? Okay see you you bye." She hung up and started to laugh, putting her hand to her head, "I'm gonna need a taser for tomorrow night, I'll probably almost bring you up constantly."

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