Chapter 7

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The next morning I woke up with Camila's head on my chest and my arms wrapped around her. Jeez if Normani was mad about us being friends again, how would she feel if she saw us right now? I laughed to myself at the thought, I managed to grab my phone and look at the time, it was just after 10am which means we had slept for a long time. I felt Camila start to move a little bit which means she was waking up, "Lo, I'm tired." I heard her grumble quietly, "I know, but it's 10am." Her hand grabbed my T-shirt above where her head was laying, "no." She was being reluctant and I wasn't complaining, I had Camila in my arms and there was nothing more I wanted. "I have to message Normani though." She groaned taking her head off my chest and searching for her phone, she picked it up and searched up Normani's name. Seconds later her phone buzzed, "she can only catch up at 4, does that ruin your plans?" She asked, I shook my head, "no it's okay." She put her phone down and cuddled into me again, "it means more cuddle time anyway." I heard her giggle and I grinned, I loved hearing her talk cute to me again. I ran my hands through her beautiful long hair and felt her calm, I just wanted to make her happy and be there for her again. A soft knock came on the door, "who is it?" Camila joked knowing well and good that it was Dinah, and in came Dinah, "Taylor Swift, who else would it be?" She laughed and sat on the end of the bed, "what's going on, you heard anything from Normani?" She asked, "yeah, we're meeting up at 4 to chat." Dinah stood up again, "alright, well I'm going to spend the day with my family, if you need anything let me know." Camila smiled, "we love you Dinah Jane." Dinah laughed and waved as she walked out the door. "I love Dinah but she's not very good at giving us alone time is she?" I laughed, but also was interested to see what she meant by that. My phone started to ring, my dad was calling "hello?" "Hey darl, are you coming home soon? Just want some help with the painting if that's okay." I made a sad face at Camila, my dad was 'renovating' and was repainting the house. "Yeah no worries, I'll be home soon." Camila heard what I said and looked at me with upset eyes. "Okay thanks, bye." He hung up and Camila made a sad face, "are you leavig me?" I nodded, "I'm sowi, but I'll make it up to you tonight okay?" Her face turned into a grin when she remembered that I had a surprise for her later on that night. "I'll hold you to it."

'I'm on my way to Normani's now, I'm so excited for later.'

'Okay babe, hope it goes well. Me too, I hope you enjoy it.'

'I'm with you, I'm sure I will.'

'Let me know when you're leaving so I can pick you up.'

'Okay xx'

I had a feeling that tonight would very much feel like a date. I know if we were together it would definitely be a place that I'd take her on a date. I put on my new Nikes that I had bought, my good jeans and a nice knitted jumper, I was dressing to impress definitely. I knew the time was going to go terribly slow until I saw Camila, but I was ready to go just in case. I was planning on treating tonight like a date, I had convinced myself that Camila had feelings for me, I was hopeful Camila had feelings for me. But I suppose maybe tonight would show that, maybe I would get the second chance I had been craving.

'Hey, I'm leaving Normani's now, I'll see you soon yayay!'

'Haha okay'

I jumped in my car and drove to Camila's house, it wasn't long before I reached her apartment and was knocking on the front door to be greeted by Dinah, "hello Lo." I smiled and walked in, "Camila not here yet?" She shook her head, "nah... you're going on your 'date' tonight arnt you?" She winked at me and I shook my head, "not a date, well no one has said those words anyway." Dinah raised her eyebrow at me, "but you plan on it being one?" I blushes, "maybe... I'm taking her to that new Pink restaurant where everything is pink, so hopefully she enjoys it." Dinah just grinned at me, "I forgot how loving you were." Camila walked through the door looking a bit flustered, "damn, you bet me here. Give me 10 minutes to get ready." I started laughing as she ran through to her bedroom, "hello to you too." Dinah said shaking her head laughing, she walked over to the door of Camila's bedroom, "so what happened with Normani?" Dinah asked through the door, "umm, she was pretty shocked... Dinah where's my white jumpsuit?" It was cute to see her trying to rush, "you don't have to rush Camz, take a breath." I laughed, "it's okay! I found it." She opened the door and noticed us both standing there staring at her, "sorry." She giggled, "Normani?" Dinah asked again, "oh right, um yeah she was shocked but I told her everything that happened and what happened with Shawn and she was a lot more understanding and not as mad, so I think you're in the good books again." Dinah smiled, "bloody good. Have fun tonight ladies." Dinah waves and walked into the lounge room leaving Camila to finally stop and look at me. "You look a bit cute." She said checking me out, I blushed and looked at her too, she always looked beautiful to me but when was dressed up and done up, she was absolutely stunning. "You're always beautoful, are you ready?" Her cheeks turned pink and she nodded, I lead her out to the car and we got in. "So where are we going?" She asked, "it's still a surprise." I said, putting some Taylor Swift on through the AUX cord. "Normani asked if you were a rebound for Shawn." Camila said randomly, "ouch" Camila grabbed my hand, "don't stress, this was before I explained everything." I nodded, "what else did she say?" I asked, "a lot to be honest, asked if you had apologised, what happened with Lucy, what happens if people come back, if people find out, our family finding out, about the Instagram photos, every question you can think of." She said laughing, "but she was okay?" I asked, she nodded, "yeah after I explained how good you've been to me and everything she was okay." We wernt far away from the place and I was starting to get excited, I couldn't wait to see Camila's face when we walked inside. I was unsure if she knew about the restaurant, she had never spoken about it so I was under the impression she didn't know it existed or else I would have heard about it. I pulled into the car park and saw her looking around trying to figure out where we were. "Pink?" She asked, I smiled and nodded parking the car, I got out and opened the door for her, "such a gentlewomen." She said laughing, I lead her to the front door before opening and the look on her face was priceless. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed, "this is amazing." She looked around taking it all in, the whole restaurant was pink, the floors, the chairs, the walls, everything you saw was pink. She looked at me and I've never seen someone so excited before in my life, "it's cool hey." She nodded, "hello, do you have a reservation?" The waitress asked, I nodded, "Jauregui." She smiled and nodded, "come with me" we followed the lady to a pink booth, we sat down and Camila still looked like a 5 year old child who just got handed ice cream. "This place is so cool." She said, I grinned, I was so happy that she was happy. "Told you it would be worth it." I said, she got her phone out to take pictures of the place, "I need to show Dinah." She giggled and sent Dinah heaps of photos of the place. "There's a spot where you can take photos, after dinner I'll take some for you?" Camila smiled and nodded, "yes, dinner I forgot about that part." I laughed, and had a look at the menu, "see anything you like?" She asked, I nodded and looked at her, "defintely." I winked at her and she blushed, "loser."

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