Chapter 2 - Crumbling Down

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Two months skipped over since the two men had stopped by who Andy discovered were Tyler and Desmond. 

Both working for the mafia. 

The young man had barely scraped aside money to pay them for the first month, however, it has proven difficult as the second month of payment approached.


Desmond, the tall blond hair blue eyes, son of a bitch who wouldn't stop harassing Andy any chance he'd got ever since he'd met the man two months ago, came marching through the empty gift store to collect his boss's monthly payment. 

Andy cursed under his breath from seeing the man stepping up to the counter, a menacing smirk plastered upon his ugly hardened face.

"I'm here for another month's payment handsome." Desmond leaned over the counter, smiling a toothy grin at the lean built man who sat just the opposite with an exhausted look upon his face. 

"Don't call me that." Andy calmly muttered. 

Despite the fact it's been nearly two godforsaken months in this depressing place, Andy had been too busy to have any free time of his own. Which meant he had zero dating life and zero friends, except if you count Desmond, who Andy wouldn't quite count as a friend, for the man simply stops by the store just to make fun of Andy every chance he gets. Therefore, it's safe to say no one knew about Andy being gay, not that he was hiding it. Except, it wasn't obvious either. 

"What's the matter cupcake, did I hurt your feelings?" Desmond chuckled, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket, immediately lighting it. 

Andy scrunched his eyebrows together when the foul smell of nicotine filled his nostrils. "You're not allowed to smoke in here." Andy stood up, "Do it outside if you like, this is a no-smoking zone." Anger soon followed upon Andy's face regarding the man just ignoring his request. 

"Yeah? And who's gonna stop me?" Desmond challenged, puffing foul smoke into Andy's face. 

Andy sighed and sat back down upon the wooden chair behind the white covered counter. It meant no sense arguing with the mafia goons unless he had a death wish. 

"I don't have the money as yet," Andy informed the man in front of him. When Desmond didn't say anything, Andy continued, "I can't afford to pay every month Desmond, I ain't getting anywhere. I have bills to pay and I need to eat, I ain't starving myself just so Salvatore can fill his already flowing pockets - Fuck it, I ain't paying anymore."

Desmond, "Boss won't like that -"

"Well then, tell your boss he can shove it." Andy slammed his fist against the counter, it was time he put his foot down and be a man. "He's already a rich bastard for fuck sake". 

Andy had done his research about the infamous mafia boss the same day Tyler and Desmond paid him a visit two months ago. 

Xaviar Salvatore is the man's name, his father was a small-time Italian mobster back in Italy, they moved to America when Xaviar was only six, and that is when their empire grew. Now they were one of the biggest growing mafia organizations in the country. 

Andy had never seen the man in person, but the hundreds of pictures that scattered the Internet with Xaviar flaunting his extravagant lifestyle proved that the man was indeed handsome, and extremely rich. Thus, Andy didn't understand why the bastard wanted to take money from small business owners such as himself. 

Indeed Xaviar's life was plastered on the Internet for the world to see. For the few who knew him, knew Xaviar was all that and more. Xaviar's a self-loathing asshole, who's hated by everyone he'd graced his revolting presence with. 

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