Chapter 4 - Changes

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Following the unwanted encounter with the self-loathing mafia boss at the nightclub a few nights ago, Andy couldn't help but feel as if those piercing cold green eyes had been stalking him around ever since. 

Or perhaps it's just his mind playing tricks on him? 

Either way, it's scaring the hell out of Andy.

Despite the fact that Xaviar never made an appearance since that night, Andy knew the man was always around the club, lurking from the corners like some weirdo. 

The question is, why? 

What does he want with Andy? 

Hadn't Xaviar already taken enough from the young man? 

What more could he possibly want? 

If only Andy knew what Xaviar wanted, maybe, just maybe he would give in, since he too, couldn't hide the drawing attraction he has toward the older man, given the fact that the very same man had beaten him to a pulp a few weeks gone.


Xaviar stood at the back of the nightclub, colorful lights flashing in all directions, while the sound of an electric trap played in the background, deafening his ears in the process. 

His eyes landed on one thing. 

And one thing only. 


The mafia honestly didn't even know why he kept doing what he was doing. Usually when he wants something - in this case, someone. Xaviar would demand it like the spoilt brat he was, and everyone closest to him would be waiting on his hands and feet - not that Xaviar was complaining. 

Normally everything was handed to him Goddammit. 

Xaviar never had to work hard for anything a day in his life, so why should he start now?

That, he doesn't know. However, a little voice at the back of his ignorant head kept telling him, Andy was worth working for. So here he was, stalking a guy at some shitty club all hours of the night. 


Andy's hips swayed towards the beat, enjoying the music as he made his way over to a nearby table, serving drinks. Unaware of Xaviar building rage toward the men whose drunken eyes held nothing but lust as they glared at Andy from the table the boy was serving.

At first, Xaviar wasn't sure of Andy's sexual preference - not that he cared to say the least. But having been coming to the club more regularly just to grace his eyes upon the young man, he was now certain Andy indeed favored men. 

Still, that wasn't an excuse to justify Xaviar's unlawful behavior, would Andy ever forgive him for what he'd done? That, the mafia boss didn't know. However, he had a plan. It wasn't a good plan, but it was a plan nonetheless. 

Xaviar was going to apologize to Andy, something he rarely ever does. Not that he could recall the last time he'd done it. Hell, if he does care about the boy - which he didn't, Andy was just someone to crave his lust - just a passing fling - that's right. Well, that's what Xaviar kept telling himself, knowing full well that wasn't the truth - he was not only going to apologize, but also pay for all the damages he'd cause, with interest - yeah, that'll fix everything. 

Now all Xaviar had to do was walk over there. It couldn't be that hard - now could it? Well, it was, his damn feet wouldn't move. It was way simpler when he was drunk. Hell, he's a feared man, why was he acting like a love-struck teenager Goddammit. Xaviar was seriously questioning his masculinity right about now. 

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