Chapter 7 - Confession

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"Get your hand off me," Andy whispered to the mafia as the room envelope in deadly silence. Xaviar kept his hand in place, ignoring Andy's threatening voice. In all his life he'd never wanted someone as bad as he'd wanted Andy, "I said, get your -"

Andy was cut short, a gasp escaped his lips as Xaviar wasted no time in slamming his lips onto the younger man's own. As if time itself had stopped, Andy's eyes widen at the contact of Xaviar's soft plump lips colliding with his cracked ones. Sparks seem to ignite within the young man as Xaviar deepened the kiss, consuming Andy more and more as the seconds went by. 

Andy's eyes rolled back, and a quiet moan escaped his lips when Xaviar hand snaked it's up to Andy's already bruised neck, holding it firmly in place.

With a low growl, Xaviar shifted himself so he was now hovering above Andy's slightly slender frame from the leather couch they were seated on. 

Unable to control his urges, the older man grabbed hold of Andy's ruffled hair with his other hand. Tilting the younger man's head back, moans of pleasure unknowingly slipped out of Andy's lips. Xaviar took that as an opportunity to drive his tongue into the boy's waiting mouth. 

Xaviar couldn't help it, Andy's so hypnotizing. The younger man makes Xaviar wonder if Andy was somehow the devil in disguise, for Andy he isn't like the others. 

The two men cradled each other while they both indulged in what the other had to offer, so lost in the moment they had forgotten about the hatred one shared for the other. 

Finally, after minutes of pure indulgence, they both break contact from the passionate kiss they shared only seconds ago to get a breath of fresh air within their burning lungs. 

Both men gazed into each other's eyes. One held confusion, while the other held longing. 

Just as Xaviar was about to lean in for another taste of Andy's swollen lips, the younger man spoke up, "Stop." Andy's hand came upon Xaviar's chest, stopping the older man from leaning in any closer, "This isn't right." Andy said, "I-I can't, not with you."

Xaviar's head hung low at Andy's words, although he didn't blame the man, he couldn't deny the stinging pain in his chest as if he'd just been shot all over again. 

"Andy." Xaviar said, "I can change, just, please. Forgive me?" Xaviar laid his hand back against Andy's thigh, a hopeless call for affection, "Give me one chance, that's all I'm asking for. I know we hardly even know each other, but there's something about you. There's something special about you Andy. I can't express how sorry I am. Forgive me Andy and I'll make you the happiest man on earth. You can't pretend you don't feel something towards me. I know you do. Your eyes, they light up Andy." Xaviar pleaded, desperate for any sort of affection. 

Andy shakes his head from one side to the other, "This is happening way too fast." Andy replied, "You had me locked up for eight freaking days Xaviar. And when I tried to escape, your men did this." Andy pointed toward his scarred neck.

"I'll deal with whoever did that to you." Xaviar assured, "I didn't know they would lock you up. I was unconscious for god sake. I regret every day for what I've done to you, I want to make it up to you, that's why I'm offering to pay for all the damages -"

"You don't get it, do you?" Andy interrupted, and a sigh soon followed, "Money doesn't fix everything Xaviar." Andy ran his fingers through his messy hair in frustration, "You're a bad person. Inside and out, I refuse to be with someone like you."

A tiny droplet of tear slipped out of Xaviar's eye, landing on his cheek. He for some reason, beyond hurt. Andy's world hit Xaviar in places he never thought anyone would get too. A part of him he'd shut out from the world, yet everything Andy had just said was true, but all he wanted was a chance to change. 

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