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Chapter 42: Memories bring tears

|Sanha's POV|

"I don't think I like her anymore."

Yura looks at me with her mouth slightly agape and her eyes slightly widened. At the same time, I had the exact expression as hers.

How. . how did that come out of my mouth without thinking?

I didn't say it. Dude, it was your beating heart. He blurted it out.

Shut up! I'm getting confused here!

It took us a while to regain back ourselves after a long pause. "Uhh. ." I trailed off. "Did I just say that?"

Yura's lips pursed together, but the surprised look still remained. "You. . don't like her anymore? Why?" She asks, seeming not to buy my statement.

"I. ."

"What's there not to like?"

"Maybe because. ." I reply, but taking a pause as I took a deep breath. "I wasn't so serious about her. You know, just a happy crush."

"Are you sure?"

To my surprise, I myself smiled. "Yeah."

She shifted on her seat farther from me and rubbed the back of her neck. "So that means. . you no longer like someone?" She hesitantly asks.

"Uhh. . that's for me to think about it." I reply nervously, before releasing a chuckle.

"Think about it? What do you mean?" She cluelessly asks.

Shoot. Why is my heart palpitating? I keep fiddling with my fingers for no reason. Am I nervous?

Yes you are, you dumbo. That's because you're hiding something from her. Not telling her how-

Shut up!

My eyes widened as I realized I just said that out loud. Yura looks at me with a hurt look, making me gulp hardly. "Oh? I'm sorry for being noisy then." She says sarcastically.

"No. No!" I immediately protest. She stood up and was about to walk away when I quickly grabbed her wrist. "I! I wasn't talking to you."

"What?" She asks in pure bemusement.

I looked away upon feeling the heat on my cheeks. "I was. . talking to myself." I stammer, muttering the last few words under my breath.

To my surprise, she chuckles. "That's weird."

"Shut up. . I know that." I mutter, biting my lower lip afterwards as it got hotter here up on my face.

She then laughs and sits beside me. "You what Sanha, you've changed." She says, catching my attention once more.


"You were so overly confident before, but right now, you look away with a shy look. Where did that guy go?"

I gulped. "Hide, maybe?"

She laughs in reply.

"Hey! I-I'm not the only one who changed. Besides, you are the one who changed a lot."

Her brows scrunched as she sends me a questioning look. "What do you mean?"

I tilt my head to the side and smiled. Afterwards, my hand unconsciously reached her right cheek and pinched it with a chuckle. "You've been smiling a lot, since we became close friends. Am I your happy pill, Yura?"

She scoffs but I could see her flushed tint cheeks. "As if. Shut up, tall stick."

I laughed as she quickly shoves my hand away whilst looking away at the same time. "I am, right?" I teasingly ask as she continues to shake her head.

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