Moaning for nothingness
I'm sitting on this ledge
my feet dancing on air
blowing kisses to death
Death, that sweet lullaby,
that tempting promise
nothingnessI'm visualizing the fall
as I have
so many times before
When I looked up to this tower
When that tower crept it's way
inside my pounding head
seductively whispering
nothingnessBut there's this girl;
She'll never feel
what I feel for her
But the thought that she might
even for a single nightThe thought of her
pressing my head
against her pussy
with both hands
grabbing my hair
moaning my name
in pleasureThat sheer thought alone
is enough
to carry me home
to make me get off this ledge
take those stairs
all the way down
down to the ground
back to this world
I oh-so despise& yes
I said
She'll never feel
what I feel for her
and this is probably
just another
built of air
the same kind of house
that got me up here
when it cracked
like all those houses
I've come up with yetBut imagine if this one house
actually got built
Imagine all the houses
I haven't even
created yet
So as long as I won't
run out of breath
I'll keep creating
these towns of airBecause someone might
just be moaning my name
in pleasure
right now
right in this moment
as I'm crying in silence
starring at the groundAnd whatever we do,
How bad it might get
No one moans
in pleasure