Project X (5)

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I opened my eyes and yawned, but it sounded more like a cute squeak. I stretched scratched my nose, I had the weirdest dream. I was a cat and my friend Sarah took me to the principals office.

Weirdest dream ever.

I licked my paw---

My paw.

I licked my paw.

WHat the hell?! That wasn't a dream? I looked around the large room afraid and looked at my paws again. A loud screech left my mouth and no one heard me.

Stupid humans not paying attention to me.

The door opened to reveal Ms. Reyes and a student.

I've never seen him before... A new student?

He sat down on the chair in front of Ms.Reyes desk with a bored expression. His black hair looked messy but in place and he had a lean build already, his brown eyes spotted me and he furrowed his brows.

"You bring animals to school?" He asked and I noticed his voice had yet to hit puberty and deepen, but it was heading that way.

"No, a student found the kitten in the bathroom and brought it to me," She looked at me and then back at the student, "You don't like animals?" She asked and he shook his head.

"I do but I thought it was strange to see a kitten in the principals office," He pointed at me, "Can I?" He asked and I knew he meant that he wanted to touch me.

Ms. Reyes nodded, "Go ahead."

He made his way towards me and grabbed me gently, "So soft," He smiled. I wanted to smile, but I'm not sure he would notice if I was smiling. I'd probably look weird smiling too.

He pet my head and I started to purr and also leaned into his touch like I had with Sarah.

He's cute.

He laughed, "She's purring."

"She's an affectionate kitten I guess."

"My father works with animals," The guy recalled.

"Is he a vet?" She asked and he furrowed his brows.

"I guess you can say that."

"Anyways, put the kitten down. You came to get your schedule since it came out with a few mistakes," Ms. Reyes started to type stuff in her computer and opened up a website.

"A few mistakes? That thing said I had english class for the whole day," He laughed as he put me down.

I meowed wanting him to pet me even more, Ms. Reyes laughed at my behavior and the printer started to make noises as it printed out the guy's new schedule.

I don't even know his name.

I jumped off the chair I was in and moved towards Ms. Reyes desk and started to rub myself against it.

I do recall reading something on how cats did certain things to claim territory...

Nice, my first territory claim is the school I don't want to attend.

Ms. Reyes handed him his new schedule, "Head to class now James."

James nodded and left the room but not without one last glance at me. Ms. Reyes picked me up and set me on her desk scratching under my chin.

"I still wonder how you got in without anyone noticing."

I meowed in response and she giggled until the phone started ringing, she picked up the phone annoyed but kept scratching under my chin causing me to purr again and lift my chin up so she could get a better range.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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