The first day back seemed to arrive before Beatriz could sneeze any more duvets into flames. Her second year was always going to be a little different for her. Things were getting worse for the worlds, both wizarding and the Muggle world. Something was going to flip.
"Dear, perhaps it would be best if you could just sit at the table. The staff have begun to filter in and if you set the food on fire, I would dare say that the staff can put it out. They can take good care of you when I am not there. Filius has made it clear that he won't be responsible for any of your actions though." The briefest of smiles was given before a tired hand rubbed at her forehead. By the time Beatriz had uncovered her eyes again the woman had left.
"How are you doing my dear?" It appeared that the man was as observant as he ever was.
"Fine, thank you." The words had barely left her mouth when her hands met her head as yet another bout of sneezing was due to begin. "Achoo." Sure enough, the wood before her had set ablaze and panic flooded as Beatriz looked all around her for something to extinguish it.
"Et ad induendum." Could be heard not far off as Beatriz made eye contact, watching the zigzag of a movement, soon the table was out and no marks were even left behind.
"Thank you, Professor." Had barely been muttered when yet again she sneezed, and then again, six sneezes left her in total and she seemed to be absolutely out of her comfort zone. "Et ad induendum." It seemed that she was a quick learner as only one example had been made.
"I suppose you aren't feeling much better." Beatriz just smiled as she seemed to force down yet another set of sneezes. Gulps were being taken as well as a weary hand that lifted to her head once again.
"Not really, the sneezing isn't as often though and the headaches are helped by Poppy. Where did my mum go? Are the students here already?" The smallest nod was given and Beatriz could already see the headache they were going to be giving her.
"Just a year to go and the school will be as quiet as it was in the holidays. Perhaps this year won't be as busy as the last. The dear Professor Lockhart is here." His wink wasn't missed as he passed her by. It was obvious that Minerva wasn't a fan, Beatriz had surely heard her rumblings about his idiocy and disbelief in Albus hiring him.
"Why did you hire him, Professor?" The curiosity had been growing as Beatriz didn't have much else to think on.
"The school must always be on guard and perhaps I have my reasons. No repeat of last year will be made this year. My staff will not be called into question." It was clear that the man had his reasons, those reasons remained a mystery to even his closest of friends.
"Are we safe Professor?" Albus had to think carefully but he did still give a reassuring nod to Beatriz. She was ill enough. Stress didn't have to be added to that.
"Hogwarts will always be safe. For as long as I am alive these walls will be impenetrable to those I see unfit to enter." Beatriz couldn't say much more as Poppy handed her a potion and almost instantly the pain had left. Albus was almost at his seat when she could finally think straight.
"Thank you, Poppy." Slurred out before hushed whispers filled the teacher's table as gossip was spread all over the place. Talks of this, that and the other filled all of their ears.
"Miss Urquart, is it true that your mother is considering leaving us? I can't believe it." There was clear uncertainty on the child's face as she looked up at the adults. There seemed to be upset written on many of their faces, Filius had been stealing glances from student to staff as he awaited a reply from her.
"No? I haven't heard anything about her leaving but I doubt she would tell me about it before she told Dumbledore or any of you. Once I know then it would have to be soon." They nodded and the fear of leaving filled Beatriz's senses as the words played over in her head.
Despite how quiet the school had been it had taken some getting used to once again as students had busied the halls for so long that it seemed impossible to believe that they would ever leave.
"We spent weeks down by the edge of it all. Honestly." The sounds of close by nattering began as the slow tones and high pitches carried in. The students had finally arrived at the castle.
In drips and drabs, the tables had filled. The twins took the seat on the other side, Neville was by her side while Hermione was on the other side. The only issue was, the troublesome two hadn't been seen since Muggle territory was left.
Laughter had filled the hall but there seemed to be a massive gap of conversation on the Gryffindor table. The wait for McGonagall seemed to pass in a flash before finally she entered again, students all passed through the hall. Eyes danced around the hall as the first years saw the room for the first time. Older students had quickly grown bored of the Great Hall as they saw it daily. Eating three times a day as well. More was seen of the hall than their own dorms as revision and meals practically filled the year.
Names had filled the room and a particular Weasley caught some ears as they watched their sister be sorted into the same house as them. It wasn't until all of the names were read out that Beatriz began to grow curious and worried for the two boys that had seemingly vanished.
"What do you mean Kings cross? That must have been hours ago and you don't think it is an issue." The expected ramblings tumbled out as Hermione spoke on. Barely touching her food.
"Can you pass me an apple please Neville?" Red apples seemed to dance under the candles as they bounced up and down in the busied hall.
"Here." One had barely been plucked by Neville than he found himself being slightly yanked as the apple was pulled. The poor piece of fruit was yanked and placed out of reach for Beatriz, emerald eyes went wide as an eyebrow lifted and a snarl began to grow.
"You did not just steal my apple and you did not just potentially harm Neville." Hermione tried to deepen her scowl but a McGonagall could not be beaten in menacing features.
"Can you not think of anything but yourself for five seconds? Harry and Ron are missing." Hermione had barely managed to stop herself from losing what little composure she had left. Beatriz found it to be very unlike her to be so angry.
"I am not well and apples manage to reduce the side effects of the potion that Poppy is giving me. Besides, I can ask mum later, she is Deputy Headmistress and she is also their Head of House." Beatriz had barely finished speaking when she saw narrowed eyes watching her.
"Hermione, you really need to cool down." Fred had managed to pull his attention from Lee Jordan to see a fuming second-year.
"Yeah, keep going like that and you'll cook your brains." George had added, most others around began to laugh as this was said but the frizzy-haired girl only grew more infuriated.
"You won't find it funny if Ron and Harry never turn up again. In case you have forgotten he is your brother." The anger rolled off even more but the people around her had laughed and shrugged it all off but Beatriz being given another apple seemed to make it even worse.
"Cheers Neville. Look, Hermione dear. That is a little dramatic of you and we are all worried but we also know that there is nothing to be done. It is what it is." Beatriz was laughing at Lee's antics while she spoke and the night grew darker.
"It is what it is." The twins chimed in before linking their arms and gulping their pumpkin juice down.
Little Miss McGonagall.
FanfictionFollowing the death of her dear husband, Minerva McGonagall is left to do the one thing she had never imagined she would be able to do. She is left to raise a child of her own. But what will happen when the bundle of joy is left to learn and grow wi...