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Dean leaned over the hood of baby, his hands stinging on the cold metal under them. He closed his eyes, trying shove the pain down. What he wouldn't kill for a drink right now, but he'd drained the last of his flask on the way to the diner.

He remained that way until the sound of footsteps behind him forced him to move.

"Ready?" He asked not bothering to look at his brother.

"Dean," Sam's voice wore the concern he felt for the oldest Winchester.

Dean ignored him in favor of climbing into the impala.

Sam sighed as he followed suit, he knew Dean wouldn't talk if he didn't want to, but something had happened between him and Cas. Something he knew Dean would need to talk about whether he wanted to or not.

Dean reached for the radio, prepared to drown out whatever Sam had to say. He didn't want to hear it.


It wasn't until after they finished interviewing the family members of the victims that Sam brought it up.

"So what happened?" Sam asked as they reached the door to their motel room.

"What happened when?" Dean frowned at his brother as he tossed the room key onto the table by the door.

"You and Cas. Something happened."

Dean gave a non-committal shrug and a look that said he didn't know what Sam was talking about.

"Come on, Dean, I know you. And I know Cas. There was some serious tension there. And he's hunting with some other guy? That's not like Cas at all," Sam sat on the edge of one of the motel bed's, causing it to whine in protest.

"Cas can do whatever he wants. If he wants to hunt, that's his business," Dean thrust his bag down onto the other bed, frustration clear on his face.

"So you weren't jealous of Thomas?" Sam raised a knowing brow at his brother.

"You make me sound like a jilted lover," Dean screwed his face up.

Sam only shrugged.

"I'm not," Dean snapped. He wasn't, he was just...distrusting, that's all.

"Well Cas text me, which he usually texts you, so that right there tells me something happened..." Sam trailed off waiting to see if Dean might give him the info he was looking for.

"What'd he want?" Dean asked instead. He wasn't going to let Sam bait him.

"To meet up and compare notes."

"Alright. When?" Dean's stomach churned at the idea of seeing Cas again. But he had a case to focus on.

"Well they're staying here so, I figured-"

"They're staying in this motel?" Dean's head snapped towards his brother.

"Yeah," Sam frowned.

Dean hadn't even considered that the pair would get a room for the night. They'd probably gotten several rooms over the past few weeks. Dean's stomach churned once again.

"I told them we would meet them in their room in a few," Sam continued when Dean didn't say anything.

"Alright, well, let's go," Dean was suddenly curious to see if they had gotten a room with two beds or if the pair were more than just friends.

Sam lead the way to the other couple's room. It was only a few doors down from their own.

The sound of Cas' laugh halted Dean at the door. He hadn't heard that laugh in...too long.

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