Day 1 (1.2)

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My legs wobbled with every step I took toward Katrina's green Jeep Wrangler. Before I got out of bed, she insisted I use her as a crutch, but I'm thankful for that now. It's only been two months since the last time I've walked, but it feels like it's been two years. Her vehicle was only a few steps away, but it took forever.

Katrina opened the door and grunted. "Up you go." I clutched the handle, and she pushed me into the seat. "Damn, you're lighter than I thought you'd be." I didn't know whether to be offended or flattered.

"So, where are we going exactly?" I asked the moment she hopped into the driver's seat. She gripped the wheel and bit her lip.

"My apartment."

I jumped a little at how monotone her voice sounded. "Wait, why? I could totally live on my own. I don't need a babysitter you know."

She stopped turning the key in the ignition and stared straight ahead. "You are still sick, and you can barely walk on your own. You don't know how much the workplace has changed in the two months you've been in the hospital. Face it, Ollie, you're stuck with me. I bet you can't even make yourself a decent meal. Besides, it's not like I have a scary boyfriend to chase you away." I smiled at her humour and clicked my seat belt.

"Alright, I guess I'll accept it...for now. But I feel bad for simply freeloading."

"Okay, fine then. You can clean the living room and do laundry on the weekends. Is that payment enough?"

I sighed. "I suppose so. There's no winning with you, huh?"

Katrina flashed one of her famous dimpled smiles. "Nope!" The key was turned, and we were on the road to her apartment complex.

When we pulled into the parking lot, I attempted to get out of the Jeep without her help. Before, I didn't realise how high off the ground the car was, and my legs decided to panic and stop working. Thankfully, Katrina already zipped around the car to catch me.

"If you try doing anything by yourself without your nurse's permission again, I'm going to smack you across the face. Got it?" Katrina's false serious tone made me laugh, but I leaned into her stability nonetheless.

Even though I'm near the edge of death, I'm still terrified of elevators. Granted, they're practical for traveling up and down buildings with many stories, but they're still deadly machines!


Katrina's apartment was simple with simple greys, blacks and whites all over the place. A few decorative pieces on tables brought some colour to the apartment, but otherwise it felt modern and cozy. It was like something I could find in an Ikea showpiece.

Carefully, she rested me against the soft pillow of the grey couch. It was comfortable, I'll admit that much, but I was nervous for the macaroni and cheese Katrina is preparing. It can't be as bad as the hospital food, at least I sure hope not.

I sighed and felt my head fall against one of the soft pillows. A satisfied smile appeared on my face and snuggled into a small ball. My breathing was a little uneven, but that was probably due to the extensive exercise I've done today. That's the first movement I've done with my legs in over two months! You can't just call me fat and unfit, okay?

Sadly, my power nap was interrupted by the aroma of cheese and noodles. It smelt like heaven, but that didn't subdue the butterflies in my stomach.

"Good, you're awake. I saw you in here taking a little snooze, so I didn't want to bother you. Here, it's the best when it's nice and warm." Katrina's voice reached my ears as she placed a small, white bowl of delicious cheesy goodness on my lap.

It was the best thing I've ever tasted. 


~ hey there! it's sae again, and here's another update! to be honest, i'm so excited for y'all to read the interesting parts, like the romance stuff and the drama. romance is my favourite genre to write if you didn't already know lmao. 

~ i don't have much for you except to ask, do you like the twice a week update schedule? if not, comment below AS WELL AS the code word "peacock" if you've read the entire author's note. in the next update, all of you will have a special shout out uwu 

~ Sae <3

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