Day 3 (3.1):

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I woke with a throbbing sensation in my skull. "What the heck happened yesterday..." I asked no one in particular. Thankfully, I wasn't naked, but I was by myself in a neat and tidy bedroom.

Its walls were white, and the decor was black and grey, similar to Katrina's apartment. The blankets had a grey circle pattern, and it was nice and warm. My nose picked up on the slightest hint of mint chocolate chip, and a small smile spread across my face. The faint memory of my uncle and me appeared in my mind.

"Uncle! Uncle! Can we go to cousin Allie's softball game today?" Six year old Oliver Connor jumped around his uncle with a wide smile on his face. His two front teeth were missing, giving off an adorable, childish appearance to him. His uncle Greg looked amused by his nephew's actions and chuckled in response.

"I suppose so. Maybe afterward the three of us can stop by Bob's and get some delicious mint chocolate chip ice cream."

Oliver jumped up and down with excitement and couldn't contain his happiness. "Yay! Let's go! Let's go!" He giggled and tugged on his uncle's arm.

The memory faded back into the depths of my mind. I balled the blanket in my fists and bit my lip. Tears pushed against my shut eyelids.

A knock on the door caused it all to stop.

"Hey, breakfast is ready." The voice called from the other side of the door. I picked up on the morning roughness of the voice. Slowly, I slid out from underneath the blankets and shuffled toward the door. My hand rested on the shiny black knob and twisted it carefully.

Behind the door stood a smiling guy with black hair pulled back into a tiny, loose ponytail. His bangs were so long they covered his eyes slightly, but that didn't stop me from getting lost in the pure blueness of them.

He smirked slightly. "It's about time. I figured I'd escort you seeing as you've never been here before." He reached an arm out to hook with mine. "Shall we?"

It felt like I had no other option but to hold onto his forearm and follow his lead. "S-Sure."


yes, i know these chapters are really hecking short. they're supposed to be, especially the ones broken into parts. i'm writing over 200 chapters kiddos XD. also, would you guys like me to update three times a week? i'm stocked up on chapters, and they're honestly so easy to write. 

if you've read the whole author's note, the code word is "phone call". remember, if you comment on here by the next update (saturday), you'll get a shout out! 

sae <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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