Chapter Three

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There was a knock on the door and I jumped up in a rush. The image of my father and mother behind the door caused me to stand behind the bed as the door opened. The adrenaline had just started to kick in but quickly went away when Mrs. Thompson's face appeared.

"Sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean to startle you," she told me as she stepped in. She glanced around the room and then smiled at me.

I ran a hand threw my hair as I smiled nervously, "No.. you didn't startle me. I was just lost in... thought. Is there..."

A child does not question the authority of a higher figure like myself, my mother once said. A child must answer when and only when spoken to.

Mrs. Thompson gave me a confused look like she was waiting for more but I shook my head. "Okay then. Well like I told your brothers, my name is Sandy and my husband is Daniel. We weren't expecting so many kids," she explained before continuing, "but I hope you like your room. I was quite the artist myself when I was your age, North."

"Thank you, Sandy," I told her and waited for her to say anything else.

"Oh. Dinner's ready if you are hungry," she remembered and walked away. I collapsed onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I hate pre-adoption homes, I thought.


Dinner was going alright until Asher and Oliver got bored. The table was set and we were all eating spaghetti with meatballs. Oliver's face and clothes were covered in sauce and Sandy was trying to clean it off. Oliver got mad and tried to push her away which he bumped into Asher who spilled his plate onto the floor.

"Look what you did!" Asher growled as he stood with spaghetti sauce and noodles on his clothes.

Oliver looked taken back and growled at him. "It wasn't my fault Sandy was trying to clean my face while I was still eating."

"Boys! It'll be okay," Sandy tried to speak as she sat clean the floor before Daisy could eat it all but they paid no attention. They started to push each other and they tackled each other to the floor. Daniel stood up but I beat him to it.

"Asher Williams Lowell! Oliver Christopher Lowell!" I growled and held the closet thing that was near me, which happened to be a butter knife. The boys stopped and watched me closely. Their attention focused on me. "What have I told you about-"

"North! Put the knife down," Daniel said as he neared me and the two kids. As if I'd ever hurt them. With my attention off the boys, they went back to fighting and I rolled my eyes. I dropped the knife and stepped backward. "I'm the parent okay. You don't have to worry about your brothers," he told me as he picked up the butter knife and pocketed it.

I narrowed my eyes at Daniel but he wasn't focused on me anymore. Of course, I worry about them. The last thing they need is someone to break their huge hearts like my parents did to mine.


The fall breeze blew within the night's air as I sat on the roof. The night was peaceful and it allowed me to be alone. Something that I wish I had when I was with my parents. I never was able to get away when I was with them. They made sure every door and window had a lock to keep us locked inside while they were gone.

These people are not your parents. They just want to help.

"I don't know, Daniel. She literally threatened the boys with a knife!" A voice said from below me. The window to the kitchen was open and I could hear their conversation from inside. I sat there quietly and listened.

"Yes I know but I don't think she meant any harm to them," Daniel told her.

"We've read their profile. They come from an emotional and physically abusive family. Not to mention she was neglected most of her life. She's not stable, Daniel." she told him. "I'm not ready for a teenager. Much less the stress she's going to come with it." I balled my hands into a fist and wrapped my arms around my knees.

Life is about disappointment and failure, the sooner you see that the better off you will be. You'll see what I'm talking about later, North.

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