Meeting Woody and the gang

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Darkness, that was all Jessie could see. She sat in the corner or the almost full box alone. It had been years since she was loved by Emily her first and so far only owner. She had been traveling from second hand shop, to second hand shop, to the one she was in now, she was certain she would be taken out of her box and sold to a new owner and didn't care, all she wanted was to be out of the dark, and to be loved, even though she doubted she ever would. She suddenly became lifeless as the box was opened by a young man, who saw the doll and immediately put her on a shelf of the toys area of the second-hand shop.

She sat there watching people with children walk in and out of the area occasionally taking a toy with them. "Mum can I please get a toy?" A young boy asked his mom. He ran into the area holding a cowboy doll. Jessie watched the boy look around and at some of the toys. She suddenly felt herself falling off the shelf and onto the floor getting the boys attention. "Hey, who are you" he asked picking up the cowgirl doll. He smilled and ran over to his mom and baby sister. "Mum can I get her? Please?" The mom looked at Jessie then to her son. "Sure, if it'll keep you happy" she said going up to the counter with her son.

She paid for Jessie and they went out to the car. While the boy got in the car with Jessie and the cowboy, The mother put the baby in the car. "I'll be okay, I mean he picked me, out of the other toys there, he picked me. He won't be another Emily Jessie, He won't" Jessie thought to herself.

After 5 minutes of driving the mom pulled over at a Dinoco Gas station. The mum, son and baby got out of the car to get fuel leaving Jessie and this cowboy alone. They both got up and looked at each other. "Hey howdy Hey" he said putting his hand out. "My name is Woody Pride, the leader of Andy's toys, and hopefully your new friend" he smiled at Jessie. "Hi, I'm Jessie" she said taking his hand and shaking it. She just couldn't stop her scared expression on her face and hoped Woody didn't notice it. "You alright Jessie?" He asked her noticing her scared expression. She thought for a second before answering. "I've been through a lot" she said looking at him. "Well if you ever want to talk about it with someone, I'm here for you, okay?" He said before resuming his toy mode. Jessie followed, as the boy and his family got back in the car.

10 minutes later they arrived at the boys house. He took Woody and Jessie up to his room, and left them there, running back down stairs. "Hey everyone, we're home" Woody Called out from the bed. "Woody's back" a female voice called out. Jessie looked around and saw a female with a cape on fly into the bed holding a 3 headed sheep. "Hi Bo" Woody said hugging her. "Who's this?" Bo said looking at Jessie "This is Jessie" he said moving back allowing Bo to properly meet Jessie.

Jessie looked at Bo's sheep who looked at her like she was evil. "Don't mind them they're harmless, I'm Bo Peep, The rooms co-leader and Girlfriend of Woody". Jessie looked at Bo and saw Emily in her voice and dropped her head in sadness. "Are you okay Jessie?" Bo asked placing her hand on her shoulder. Jessie started sobbing, as that was all she could do, cause toys can't cry. Bo took off her cape and put it around her waist, before sitting on the bed with Jessie trying to comfort her.

"Why'd she do it?...Why did she...?? ..." Jessie said on repeat. "Jessie..." Bo said looking at her. "Jessie, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's happened" Jessie looked at Bo and instantly saw a friend who cared about her, instead of another toy.

"Well years ago, I had an owner, a little girl named Emily, and she loved me, I helped keep her happy, and was played with everyday, and taken everywhere. But then she grew up, and got rid of me, I was abandoned in a box for years, taken from place to place, and left in the dark. It was horrible" Woody sat next to Jessie and placed his hand around her. "It's okay Jessie, That's not going to happen to you again, I will make sure of it" Jessie looked up into his eyes. She turned to Bo and saw a smile on her face. She instantly knew she was home.

"Hey Woody" a male voice Called out. Woody looked down and saw Slinky and Rex looking up at them. Woody and Bo jumped down to see their friends. Jessie got down not wanting to be alone again and saw a Slinky dog and a plastic T-Rex dinosaur. "Hi, I'm Rex" the dinosaur said. Jessie smiled at him. "I'm Slinky" the Slinky dog said. Jessie introduced herself to them and saw a Mr. Potato Head, piggy bank, little green army man, binoculars with eyes and a race car go over to Woody, Rex, Slinky, Bo and Jessie. "Jessie these are Potato Head, Hamm, Sarge, Lenny and RC. Guys this is Jessie, Andy's new toy" Jessie looked at the door as they all heard Andy's footsteps coming to the room. All the toys scrambled to get back to their places. Woody grabbed Jessie and Bo and threw them onto the bed. Bo grabbed her sheep and used her crook to bounce herself and sheep to the Drawers they were on previously. Jessie fell to the ground on the bed just as Andy walked into the room. Even though she had just meet the toys here, she knew that they'd be her family and there for her no matter what, especially Woody and Bo.

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