The Rip that destroyed Woodys weekend

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A few years after Andy moved, the gang seemed to be stronger than ever. Buzz and Jessie were as close as close could be, she told him just about everything from her past, and seemed to be coping a lot better with it.

Jessie and Bo's friendship was getting better and better everyday, and Woody and Jessie were developing a brotherly and Sisterly bond. The others were getting along great with Jessie, and Rex was developing a great friendship with the cowgirl, she was always helping him with the Buzz Lightyear video game. In fact that's exactly what they were doing right before Andy was to leave for cowboy camp. Rex had just lost, and Jessie was calming him down.

"It's okay Rex, you can do it next time" she said hugging him. Suddenly Woody fell down the draws hitting his head with every whack of the draw. "On my way Woody" Buzz called out jumping up and landing on a hot wheels car going down the track to help Woody up. Jessie climbed down the desk and walked over to them. "Oh, oh, AND make sure everyone attends Mr Spell's seminar on what to do if you or part of you is swallowed. Okay? Okay. Good, okay." Woody started to walk away trying to calm himself down. " Woody you haven't found your hat have you?" Jessie said trying not to laugh. "No Jessie I haven't, and I'm worried, cause Andy's leaving for Cowboy camp any minute, And I can't find it anywhere".

"Don't worry, Woody in just a few hours, you'll be sitting around a campfire with Andy, making delicious, hot schmoes" Buzz said smiling and hooding his head. Jessie burst out laughing. "They're called S'mores, Buzz" She said trying to stop laughing. "Right, right, of course. Has anyone found Woody's hat yet?" He called out to the room. Sadly none of the toys had found it. Bo and her sheep walked into the room. "It's not in Molly's room, we've looked everywhere" she said walking over to Jessie. "Well you look nice" Jessie said looking at Bo in her skirt. "Oh shut up, I haven't always got it as a cape" she said. " I know Bo" Jessie said watching Woody walk towards them upset. "Woody look under your boot" Bo told him. "What?, No, don't be silly it's not under my boot" Woody said looking at her like she had gone loopy. "Just look. Now" she put her hand on her hip. Woody lifted up her boot. "See? No hat, just the word Andy" he said. Bo pulled him closer with her crock. " yep, and the boy who wrote that will take you to Cowboy camp with or without your hat". Jessie took this as her time to leave.

She walked around for a few minutes seeing all the toys having fun, and decided to go up to Buzz. Just as she started to approach him, They heard Buster the dog bark and all scattered.

Buster the dog ran in, and found Woody in a bag and started licking him. "Yes, good boy Buster, you found he" Woody got up. They heard Andy walk towards his room. "Okay everyone see you Sunday night" once the toys had scrambled to get back to their positions, Andy walk to his room. He picked up Woody as his mom picked up Molly "Andy 5 minutes okay?" Andy's mom said before walking away. "5 minutes? Hmm"

He set up the army men and started to play. Bo and Jessie was the damsels in distress, Woody and Buzz were the hero's and Hamm was the villain. However this particular play ended differently. Woody's arm ripped right as Andy's mom walked in. Woody was up on the shelf and Andy left. Jessie walked over to Bo. "I'm going up" she said. She climbed up and stayed with her friend for the night.

The next day, Woody woke screaming. He hit a book causing dust to scatter everywhere. Jessie heard coughing. She moved the book revealing wheezy. "Wheezy" Jessie exclaimed. She helped the poor penguin out of the dust and set him next to her and Woody. "Hey Jessie" he said.

"What happened? I thought mom took you to get your squeaker fixed months ago, Andy was so upset" Jessie said. "Yeah, she just told him that to calm him down, and then put me on the shelf" Wheezy looked down, he was clearly upset. "Well you should have told us, we would have helped if we knew" Woody said.

Wheezy looked at Woody. "I did, well I tried to, I couldn't squeak and get help, cause I'm still broken, and no one could hear me". He attempted to squeak, but was unable to and just had a coughing fit. He fell onto Jessie's lap. "And what's the point of prolonging the inevitable? We're all just one stitch away from here. To there" he pointed outside where Andy's mom was having a yard sale. Woody gasped. "Yard sale" he called out to the other toys.

"Yard sale?" Rex exclaimed. "Oh no, well all be thrown out".

Buzz and the rest of the toys ran into a line. He started to do a role call, just as Andy's mom started to walk towards the room. The toys heard this and scattered around trying to get back to their places.

Just before Andy's mom walked in, Jessie hid Wheezy behind the book and jumped down into the floor. Andy's mom walked in with a box. She grabbed a few toys and looked at the shelf. She grabbed Wheezy and left. Jessie got up and whistled for Buster. She and Woody climbed on Buster and rode off to save Wheezy.

Once outside, Woody climbed up on the desk and threw Wheezy out of the box. Jessie pushed him into Busters collar. Buster then started to walk back to the house. "Woody!, Jessie! I'm slipping" Wheezy said trying to keep himself on the collar. Jessie used her strength to push him up, but she fell off taking Woody with her. once they landed on the floor, they froze and were picked up by a little girl. "Mommy, can I have them?" the girl asked. "Aww, honey, no, their broken" and with that the mom threw Woody and Jessie over to a desk. Hearing the thud, a man turned and saw the cowboy and cowgirl duo. "AHHH, YES" He called out. 'I've found them, I've found them. I've found them" He picked them up. He grabbed a bunch of other items and attempted to pay for it. Andy's mom seeing Woody, grabbed him and put him in a money container.

The man used a skateboard to cause a mess, and picked the lock and grabbed Woody, shoving him and Jessie into his bag and leaving. Back up at Andy's room, Bo Peep slid down the guttering and raced towards the car to save her boyfriend and best friend. She climbed onto the car and opened the boot. and tried to get her friends out of the bag, but fell off. She watched in horror as the car rode off leaving only a few chicken feathers behind.

"Why would someone steal Woody and Jessie" Rex asked sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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