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2 days after Buzz arrived Jessie noticed that Woody had gotten more and more mean. It was like he was changing into a bigger, meaner version of Mr. Potato Head.

She walked over to Bo, who was standing next to Slinky talking.

"Hey Bo" Jessie said next to her best friend.

"Hey Jessie" Bo said looking at her.

Jessie moved her thumbs before speaking "Has Woody ever been mean like this before?"

"Is this about your little crush on Buzz?" Bo asked smiling.

"N, No" Jessie said looking down.

Bo raised an eyebrow looking at her.

"Okay, maybe it is, but it's not Buzz's fault he doesn't know, maybe I could just talk to Woody, but I don't think that'd do any good, or maybe it would, I don't know anymore".

Jessie pulled her hair onto her shoulder, and started fiddling with it.

"Look Jessie, I'd say that maybe talking is better than not talking to Woody, he's never gone through not being the favourite toy, and he's just not use to it, or prepared. And lets not forget that you'd know more than any of the rest of us about this sort of thing" Jessie looked at Bo.

"I wasn't replaced Bo, I was...."

Bo signed looking at the floor.

"I was meaning that you've gone through losing your favorite thing in the world, Emily, and Woody's lost his, being the favourite toy"

Jessie looked at her friend, then to the floor thinking about what Bo was saying.

"Okay, I'm going to go talk to Woody" Jessie walked away from Bo determined to get her point through to Woody, no matter the cost.

Woody climbed out of the toy chest, staring deadly at Buzz.

Just as he was about to walk over to him Jessie stood in his way.

"Whaaa, Jessie? Please move out of the way" he said in a very angry voice.

"Not until you let me talk, look Woody I know how it feels to..."

Woody rolled his eyes.

"You know how it feels to be abandoned, how it feels to have everything you cared for swept from underneath you, and most importantly, hoe it feels to be helpless, but I'm not helpless like you were, I'm going to sort this situation out okay?"

And with that Woody shoved Jessie out of the way and marched over to Buzz starting an argument with him.

Bo sighed from where she was and Walked over to Jessie.

"It's going to be okay Jess. Woody's just upset, he'll be fine" Bo placed a loving hand on her shoulder and they heard a boy laughing. Slinky immediately hid under the bed, and Bo, Woody and Jessie (who had no idea what was happening) climbed up onto the window still.

"Sid" Bo Peep said watching him.

"Sid?" Jessie said helping Buzz up who had followed them.

"Lenny?" Woody called out only for him to be handed Lenny by Bo.

"On no it's a Combat Carl" Woody commented looking at the poor defensive toy.

"Who's Sid?" Jessie asked Bo.

"He's a toy killer" Rex said from his hiding place. Jessie Walked over to him and placed a loving hand on his head.

"Who are you lot "scared" of?" Buzz asked.

"Sid" Woody replied

"That happy kid?" Buzz said looking through Lenny

"That ain't no 'Happy kid' Dummy" Potato Head said.

Buzz ignored him. "The lizard said he's a toy killer right? Well I've got to do something" he jumped up onto the edge of the window.

Reacting immediately Bo used her Crock and pulled buzz back.

"Don't be stupid, do you want to fall?" Bo said as Woody started to giggle.

"Zipp it Cowboy, or your next" Bo said before starting to give Buzz the biggest lecture.

"HIT THE FLOOR" Lenny screamed getting Bo's attention. She pushed Buzz onto Woody causing them both to fall down just as the Rocket was blown up.

Buzz, Jessie, Bo and Woody looked at the small smoked bit of grass in absolute terror.

"The sooner we move the better" Jessie looked over at Bo before collapsing on Buzz earning a displeased look from Woody.

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