Woody did what?

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That night Andy played with his toys but Jessie had noticed that it was different than the other play times. For starters Buzz was the Hero and Woody was the bad guy. And to top it all off no other toys were used in this play.

"Oh all this packing is making me hungry what would you say to dinner at pizza planet?" Andy's mom came in and took Andy away telling him he can bring one toy and to wash his hands.

Woody, once Andy left the room threw Buzz off him who had been thrown into him by Andy.

Jessie got out of the box breathing deeply. Bo climbed over to her and started to calm her down.

"It's okay Jessie I'm here, your not alone. Focus on me, focus on me" Bo said getting Jessie to focus on her.

Jessie looked over to Woody who was using RCs controller to hit Buzz.

"Woody!" Jessie exclaimed running over to him and forcing the controller out of his arms.

But it was already too late as Rc had hit Andy's drawing board forcing pins to falling next to buzz. The drawing board for fell onto the round earth forcing it to roll towards Buzz. Jessie gave Woody the controller and ran over to Buzz trying to get him away from the earth. However The watch hit the lamp which spun around, Buzz seeing this pushed Jessie down and out of the way and he was hit and fell out the window and into the bush below.

"Buzz!!" Jessie cried out looking down Woody and Bo looked as well. Woody saw the rest of the toys gather around the window talking about where they think Buzz went. Jessie closed her eyes and tried to block the noise from the others

Potato Head who could see Jessie's emotional figure had already development a plan.

"Guys stop. Let's ask Jessie what happened she was here" he said hoping things would go his way.

"Well from what I could see Woody was trying to push Buzz out the window, but..." She was cut off by Potato Head who had already heard quite enough.

"There you have it toys, Woody's a murderer. He pushed Buzz out the window on purpose. He'll try to get rid of the rest of us if we do nothing about it" Potato Head smilled as the other toys started gathering around Woody.

Bo stayed with Jessie and watched the other toys.

"Couldn't handle Buzz cutting in on your play time could you Woody? Didn't want to face the fact that Buzz just might be Andy's new favorite toy, so you got rid of him. Well what if Andy starts playing with me more Woody huh you gonna knock me out of the window too?" Potato Head lead the charge against Woody trapping him on the edge of the desk.

"No he wouldn't" Bo said pushing the toys out of her way and stood between Woody and the others. "Because I'd push you out before that even happened"

Potato Head smilled. "You seriously think I need to worry about you?"

Jessie stood realizing what Potato Head had done. She deeply gasped and attempted to get to Woody and Bo. "Rocky and Rex keep Jessie out of this" Potato Head said keeping his focus on Bo and Woody.

"Okay Mom be right down I gotta get Buzz" Andy called out. All the toys ran back to their positions just before Andy Walked in.

He saw Woody Alone on the desk and started looked around his room for Buzz. After a minute had passed Andy's mom called him and he reluctantly grabbed Woody rolling his eyes while doing so leaving the room.

As soon as the door closed Jessie pushed her way out of the box and saw Bo helping her up.

"I'm so sorry Bo I didn't know potato Head was going to do l just thought he was wanting to know. And now Woody is hated" Jessie curled up into a ball and stayed there until Andy got back.

It was a very sad night for Jessie, Bo and Slinky. They missed Woody (and Buzz in Jessie's case) very much and were dreading moving day which was only two days away.

The morning wasn't much better as Potato Head and Hamm were constantly mocking Jessie and refused to leave her alone even when she asked nicely. Bo had to step in and throw Potato Head across the room to get them to stop.

That afternoon as Potato Head and Hamm were playing battleship next door at Sid's house, Hamm saw someone they never expected to see.

"Hey everyone It's Woody" he called out to the others. Jessie's face lit up and she ran with excitement to see Woody.

"Woody!" She exclaimed looking at him. Bo ran towards her and smiled stopping next to her.

"Here catch this" he said throwing Christmas lights over to the toys in Andy's room. Slinky caught it but not before Potato Head grabbed it.

"Potato Head! Woody and Buzz need our help" Jessie said.

"Yeah how do we know Buzz is over there?" Potato Head held the lights out of the other toys reach.

"I'll go over there and look" Jessie grabbed part the lights and before anyone could stop her she swung herself over to Sid's Room.

She grabbed Buzz's arm from the floor and looked at it and saw Buzz on the floor. "Buzz" she said running to him and hugging him.

Back at the room Potato Head accidently dropped the lights after Jessie was away for so long claimed that she had been killed by Woody.

Bo Peep sighed and immediately thought of a plan to get her best friend and boyfriend out of Sid's grasp, but she just had to wait until morning.

Back at Sid's house Woody, Buzz and Jessie brainstormed ideas on how to get out as they heard Sid coming.

Woody ran and hid under a crate, Jessie ran to the drawers and hid by them and Buzz attempted to run but couldn't as Sid had walked in.

After a unsuccessful attempt to find Woody Sid instead found Buzz and strapped him to a rocket and went to sleep. Once Sid was in a deep sleep, Woody attempted to get out of the crate he was trapped in but couldn't.

Jessie climbed up and tried to help Woody out but couldn't do it alone.

She jumped down and started to look and see if there was any other toys she could find who might help her as Woody talked with Buzz.

After searching for 6 minutes and not being able to find any Jessie climbed back up and saw Buzz climb up onto the crate. She started pushing it over the edge helping Woody and Buzz.

Once Woody was able to slip out he and Jessie called for Buzz to stop. He stopped but the crate fell over smashing down on the ground just as Sid's alarm clock went off waking him up.

Sid got up grabbed Buzz and ran out of the room and down his stairs. Woody with Jessie's help got the toolbox off him and ran towards the door. Scrud the dog saw Woody and immediately attempted to grab him but Woody closed the door before that could happen. He saw Jessie talking to Babyface and saw the rest of Sid's mutant toys going around her.

"...So I need your help to save the love of my life, he's my everything" Jessie finished talking as Woody joined her. The mutant toys didn't run away as they had before and stayed. Woody watched as Jessie and the mutual toys came up with a plan. Jessie looked at Woody and smiled. "We're getting Buzz" she said smiling.

Back at Andy's house early in the morning before woody became friends with Buzz, Bo Peep climbed out the window and used Slinky's coils to climb down to the ground promising to be back before they leave.

Rex helped Slinky get his back end in the room and they watched Bo Peep run across the yard and through the fence and into Sid's yard.

Bo climbed through the fence and ran towards the dog door and climbed in. She saw Scrud asleep on the stairs and sneaked past him. As she made it to the top of the stairs ran into the first room she was which turned out to be Hannah's room.

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