Staff Meeting

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"All right everyone, this is a stick-up. Don't anybody move" Andy said in a rough voice. "Now empty that Safe" He them shock Hamm up and down emptying him of Money. "Oooo Money, Money, Money" He had Potato Head kiss the money as he picked up Bo. "Stop it, stop it you mean old potato" He said as Bo. "Quiet Bo Peep, or your sheep, get Run over". "Help, baaa, help us" the sheep said. "Oh no, not my sheep. Somebody do something " Andy placed Bo down and grabbed Woody . "Reach for the sky" Woody's voice box said. "Sheriff Woody" Potato Head said. "I'm here to stop you one-eyed bart" Andy pulled one of potato Heads eyes out. "how'd you know it it was me?". "You can't touch me Sheriff. I've brought my attack dog, with a build in force field" He had Potato Head say. And for a little help, I've got Jessie" Potato Head said. Andy grabbed Jessie and put her in one of potato Heads arms. "I've got my dinosaur, who eats force field dogs. Andy grabbed Rex and put him on Slinky pulling him away from Potato Head. Woody grabbed Potato Head "Your going to jail Bart. Say goodbye to the wife and tater tots" Mr. Potato Head was put in the baby's cot.

Andy grabbed Woody and took him out of the room. 4 minutes later and Andy came running in with Woody. He placed Woody on the bed next to Jessie and took the baby away. "Pull my string, it's today" Woody said getting up. "Okay everyone, coast is clear" Jessie jumped up. "Woody I'm so sorry for being on the bed, I know it's your spot. Please forgive me" She said about to climb off. "It's fine Jessie, it's fine, You and Bo are my best friends, so you can come on here. Don't tell anyone about that though" Jessie then climbed of the bed and walked over to Bo and her sheep.

"Hey Bo?" Jessie asked next to her

"Yes Jessie?" Bo said looking at her.

"Do you always play the damsel in destress?"

Bo looked at Jessie Smiling. "Not always, but more often than not Woody saves me or my sheep". Bo noticed that Woody was walking over towards his writing pad.

"Watch this, I'll get him going " Bo used her crook to pull Woody over to her.

"Owww, Oh hi Bo, hi" Woody rubbed the back of his neck.

"I wanted to thank you Woody, for saving my flock" Bo blinked her eyes, and placed her arm oh her hip.

"Oh hey, it was... Uhh... Nothing" Woody shrugged his shoulders and noticed Jessie laughing behind Bo.

"What do you say, I get Jessie to watch the sheep Tonight?"

"Uhhh , Oh yeah, well..." Woody studdered.

Bo smiled. "Remember, I'm just a couple of Blocks away" she walked away leaving Jessie and Woody.

"Hey Woody, cowgirl, hurry up" Mr. Potato Head called out.

Jessie walked over to the rest of the toys following Woody. "Okay first off.. " Jessie started to zone out as Woody was talking, seeing Bo Peep on the desk with her sheep.

She thought of how kind and understanding Bo was when she told her about Emily and how much of a friend Bos been for her since then.

"Hey Jess"

She was snapped out of her thoughts hearing Woody call her.

"Jessie have you got a moving Buddy?" She nodded as Mr Potato Head glared at her. She stared back at him as Woody continued the staff meeting.

"Oh yes, and one minor note here, Andy's birthday party has been moved to today"

Suddenly all the toys except Woody, Jessie and Bo started panicking.

Bo watched all the toys climb up the desk. Mr Potato Head pushed her off the desk and pushed in front of the crowd.

"Bo are you okay?" Jessie said helping her up.

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