The infamous game of Truth. Or Dare.

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*a few weeks go by, nothings been done by the two lovers, and the team still hasnt realized anything. Or so the secret lovers think. Because as everyone knows, every secret always becomes revealed...*

The team had just finished lunch, it was a lazy Thursday afternoon.

'I'm so BoOooReDdd'

groans Pidge, she sat on the couch, well, not really, she had gotten to the top of the couch, turned around, and was now sitting upside down. If you call that sitting.

The team looked at her, with a slight glare in their eyes.

'Its literally been 15 minutes since we ate,' said Allura, she was trying to keep calm but this was the 87th time Pidge has complained.

A twitch on her eyebrow made Pidge sit up straight, afraid to annoy the princess any more than she already had.

The team sat on the couches.

'Is there nothing you earthlings do to waste time?' Coran asked.

Pidge lights up, ' LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE' she shrieks, toppling over and falling on the floor.

The team shares a small giggle as Pidge gets up and pats her shirt clean.

Lance looked at her, she looked back and grinned. Evily. He didnt like the gleam of excitement in her eyes.

'Ok everyone, in a circle. Come on' Hunk ushered. Pushing Lance and Keith, making sure that they were as far as they could be. Looking to each other, each boy across the circle from each other.

Hunk put his hands out, making sure to have everyone pay attention.

'Ok, is everyone aware of the rules and how to pla- ERK' Hunk doubles over as Pidge smacks him, 'TheY KnOw! ThEy KnOW' she shrieks, hitting his back holding her head up, laughing maniacally as Hunk cowered beneath her.

The team exchanged a worried glance, Lance and Keith held their stare a little longer, this was where it might come out... they both thought.


'Well let's get into it!' Said Pidge, the team looked at her, frightened. Hunk cowering behind her, while this little girl stood on front of him, hands on her hips, a cunning look glowing through her beautiful eyes.

'LaNCe!' Lance jumped at the sudden call of his name, 'what?,' Pidge asked, noticing his jump. 'I thought you liked it when certain people called your name' she smirked and looked at Keith.

The rest of the team were talking and luckily they didnt hear Pidges comment.

Keith's POV: this can either go very well, or very. Very. Bad. And it's already bad enough with Pidges squeaky voice cracks'

3rd Person POV:
The team settled down, Pidge hushing them. 'Ok, Lance, Truth. Or. Dare.'

'Er- Truth' Lance said, Pidge frowned,
'Aw, I had really good dare' she said. 'That's ok, I'll save it for you Keithy' she smirked, looking at Keith. The whole team rolled their eyes. This was Pidge, always getting dramatic over a game, they all laughed and smiled at her. She had grown well in the family.

'Well, what's my truth?' Lance asked.
'Mmmmm... what is....' she paused, looked at him, grinning.

Lance's POV:
I sat there on the floor, Pidge thinking. And I pass a quick glance at Keith, we could both be outed in a second and we knew it. I look back at Pidge, and she looks at me with this evil smile. Like the one from IT. All I can think is.


3rd Person:

The team was waiting for Pidge to decide her question, but when Shiro saw her smile, he quickly opened his mouth, knowing something bad could happen.

'How bout we start with easy dares first, and then we go up and deeper into the questions and dares?'

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded.

'Hmph. Fine.' Pidged huffed

Everyone looked at Shiro with a loving look, 'thank you' shouting through their eyes.

'Lance what's your favorite color?' Pidge asked, disappointment in her voice.

'Purple' he smiled, the team turned their heads, 'purple?' They all said in inusion.

Even the blue lion roared from the garage. 'But I love you more than anything Blueberry!' Lance shouted through the speakers to the garage.

When Lance looked back around everyone was still looking at him with a curious expression. 'Purple?'

'Yea, cuz. Yaknow, i have two favorite colors, red and blue and together they make purple....'

his voice trailed off as he noticed Keith's blushing face. Lance flourished a dark red on his tan skin, his ocean eyes widened the slightest, he was being too obvious, a simple question and he was being too obvious.

'Ok then how bou-' Shiro started.

'I mean like obviously because blue well duh and red because of course my mother loved roses and well yea as I grew up wel-'

'Lance, chill, it's just Alluras turn' Shiro said.

Lance felt so stupid, but he sat down and turned to Allura.

'Ok, sorry. Allura, truth or dare?'

'Mmmmm.... Truth' she said reluctantly.

'If you could choose one person to go on a mini vacation, for a month, who would it be'

It was a simple and easy truth Lance thought, resting his head on his hand, his elbow resting awkwardly, yet not uncomfortably on his crisscrossed legs, he closed his eyes.

he had read it on his computer the night before when he was looking for good questions to ask Keith to start up a conversation.

Now it was being used in a Truth or Dare game :/

'Shiro...' Alluras voice trailed off. She blushed and at the sound of his voice Shiro looked to Allura and squeezed her hand and winked.

Something so subtle, yet Keith could see it from his position beside Shiro. No one else had seen it, and they all looked at her,

'Well because hes a good leader and he would always know what to do...'

'Good answer indeed M'lady' Coran agreed, I would also choose Shiro because' he got quiet.

'Sorry,' the team looked at him, he sure was a funny guy. 'We all have our own secrets... '

Alluras POV:
'Damn, that was close...' I thought, 'this game from earth could expose our secret' I looked at Shiro, and then to Lance and Keith, 'all of our secrets'

Authors POV:
Because everyone has secrets, and one day, eventually, they always squeeze out. And everyone on the team had secrets of their own.

As the room got quiet and still, Pidge looked down, Hunk looked out the window, avoiding all contact. Lance and Keith looked at each other, Coran was right... Shiro rubbing his arms awkwardly as Allura shuffled to the side.

Everyone had secrets.

Except Coran of course who just stood up and stretched letting out this weird sound, everyone, startled, looked at him, he ruined the perfect still mode.

He walked out of the room singing, so off-key, a weird version of Old Town Road.

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