Chapter 12~ why?

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Applejack gripped onto her bow and arrow. Home is what she is after, but it disappears just like that.  Surely the demons were out of the village.

She entered the dark place with burnt-out houses and corpses. No one was probably alive.
She heard silence.

Applejack bent down and moved the scarp out of the way to see any life in the corpse that was in front of her. The woman sighs deeply.

Applejack made her way to the end of the town. Fire is not her thing. All it did was destroy.

She heard a creak and swiftly looked to her right. 

Rainbow blitz carefully paced to her and put his arm around her. She leaned her head down just for a little while. They spent moments of silence until it was broken.

"You have a sister. She is a skyling and an element. You have good in you." Applejack breaths out, "so let's go back to the kingdom, and you can have a home."

"No. I hate humans and every kind. I'm not good," Rainbow Blitz states.

"Why?" Applejacks ask with a cracked voice.

"Because..." Rainbow blitz didn't answer the question, "do you love me? Do you?"

"Yes," Applejack quietly whispers, "I love you."

"Are you sure?" Rainbow blitz asks tensely, "I don't think you do. You are probably confused with your feelings."

"Don't dismiss my feelings like that. They are real," Applejack glares at him, "I love you."

Rainbow blitz shakes his head, "no you don't. You are a human who should be in love with a human."

"Are you serious?" Applejack asks and shakes her head, "I love you. I'm not confused with my feelings. Rainbow blitz... stop this."

"Stop what?" He asks concerned.

"Running away. I just told you you have a sister who is an element. She is a skyling. Didn't you want to know about your parents? I just told you I love you," Applejack glances to her side, "why can't you.."

"I love you too," Rainbow Blitz says causing Applejack's heart to thump,"but I'm a demon who has belongs at hell. My home is hell. Knowing my parents won't change who I am. You don't love me, Applejack. And I'm king because I let go of you. I mean love isn't real at all. Just something made up for humans to make babies."

Applejack touches his cheek, "I didn't believe in love. But I want to stay with you."

Rainbow blitz wings came out of the ground as he flew up, "sorry Applejack. You will find someone better. Just not me."

"Don't leave," Applejack shouted, as she start to chase after him, "wait! Don't go! Blitz!! This is your last chance I am going to give you. or else I will hate you!"

She clenched her fists and Rainbow blitz widened his eyes. Hate me? His face darkened and he smiled. That's exactly what she was supposed to feel towards him. Hate.

She ran but she knew it was too late. He probably had opened a portal to hell. Applejack had tears fall down her face, "No. Come back. You can't just leave me here."

Get up she told herself. Get up, it doesn't matter.

Applejack wipes her tears away. She had to go back home.

To walk on fire~ {Appleblitz}COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now