Chapter 4

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"Urgh! This always goes easier when I don't have plans," I groaned.

"What are you bitching about now," Ruby called from the living room where she lounged on the couch still nursing her coffee mug. Knowing her, it was probably her third cup.

"I need you to tell me that I'm overthinking things and I would look hot in a potato sack."

She wandered into the room taking a pitying look at the mess it had become in my hour or two of slight panic. "I love you, but no one looks good in a potato sack babe. Why are you even freaking out? I thought our only plans were to finish unpacking."

"They were, but man meat, I mean Alvaro invited me to hang out. Today. In"- I quickly checked my phone- "3 hours."

"Are you going to let me see this mystery man of yours," she asked plopping down without spilling a drop of her caffeinated goodness.

"Is he blond? I bet he's blond." She went on even without my input. "You do have a thing for blonds. Speaking of," she began.

"Don't." I narrowed my eyes at her even as she plowed on.

"He's been asking about you Rory. He misses you. I know you don't want to hear it but I wouldn't tell you if I didn't think he was being sincere."

"Doesn't change anything. I can see how upset he is on Instagram," I replied pulling up his most recent picture that I definitely hadn't looked at multiple times.

Definitely not.

Sunbathing on his father's yacht Covetous, surrounded by attractive women in Ruby approved swimsuits hardly looked miserable. Not a single hair out of place, no tan lines, only abs, and a view straight out of a travel commercial; the perfect recipe for misery.

To be honest, he looked good. He always did. The picture-perfect smile on his face only served to justify my anger and resentment.

"First off, everyone knows Instagram sells the lie of perfect lives that we all wish we could live. Pretty sure that's why his dad invented it. Second off, I know him. You know him. He's miserable. Those people mean nothing to him."

"I'm not discussing him anymore. I have more pressing concerns. I have no idea what to wear without looking like I'm trying too hard. Not that I'm trying at all."

A skeptical eye from Ruby is not helping to stop the tide of word vomit.

"I'm not. Just hanging out. I'm done setting myself up for failure. He's hot and maybe we'll hook up, but I'm not looking to try something serious again. Like you said, it's just not in our nature."

It doesn't matter if she believes me or not. I'm still trying to convince myself. Just a touch from Alvaro's hand had flooded me with the energy that I normally got from a kiss. Who knew what more would do?

"Fine. I'll drop mention of he-who-we-will-not-name for now." Although she may be dropping the topic now, it's likely to come up again. Eventually she'll break me down, but not today. Today I'll be strong even though my heart is begging me to be weak. Ruby's mood switches from chastising to bouncy so fast, I know we're good again. Clearly the caffeine has hit her system.

"So we're aiming to have you look less like a snack and more like a petit four. How do you feel about cream?"

Smiling at the way her mind works, I nod. "Won't know what hit him."

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