The Pairing

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[A/N]: Hey Guys so I just started chapter 2! I've also don't have a lot to write for chapter 2.... but chapter 3 might be somewhat longer... >:3 anyways thx for reading and don't forget to follow me!

After they decided they would play a game of Pocky, they all agreed to start the game tomorrow afternoon.

[At Kurapika's House]

Kurapika went inside his apartment, where he lived, alone.

He felt loneliness tinge his heart.

He also wondered if Leorio (Dr. Oreo XD) would be who he played with tomorrow.

Thinking of Leorio made him blush.

"Come on, Kurapika. Leorio likes women, he wouldn't like me," he whispered to himself quietly.

He sighed, made dinner, took a shower, and went to bed.

[At Killua's House]

He stayed in Gon's apartment with him. Gon let's him live there since he had nowhere else to go, and he wanted Killua to stay with him.

Obviously Gon was too innocent to understand love.

Gon had went out for a bit, and Killua decided to stay home. He looked around quietly, and saw Gon's Hunter's License.

This made him remember of how they first met.

[Flashback time!]

He was casually riding his skateboard, when he saw a raven-haired boy beside some old man with his shirt off in the first phase of the Hunter Exam.

He went up to the raven-haired boy, still riding his skateboard.

"Hey show some respect to the Hunter Exam will ya!" The old man yelled, he already annoyed me.

"What do you mean?" Killua asked simply.

"This is an endurance test!" The old looking guy yelled back.

"No it isn't," The raven-hair kid said innocently.

"The Examiner just said to follow him, he didn't say how," raven-hair kid continued.

"Hey! Who's side are you on??" The old looking man snapped.

Killua just rode past the old man like he was nothing.

"Hey kid, how old are you?" Killua asked quietly.

"12," the raven-haired kid said.

Hmmm around my age, he thought quietly.

"Well I guess I'll run too," he jumped off the skateboard and caught it while it was in the air.

"Cool! By the way, my name is Gon," Gon said.

"I'm Killua," he said back.

[End Of Flashback]

Killua blushed at the memory.

He wished Gon knew how Killua felt for him.

He then remembered how he was taught to be an assassin, how he was told assassins don't need friends.

(Oof has anyone realized like how Illumi told Killua he didn't need friends and that assassins don't need them, but the whole damn time, he had Hisoka as a friend??)

"Gon probably only sees me as a friend, besides love is too much for his innocent brain to understand." He told himself quietly.

He shrugged the thought off and played video games, waiting for his favorite raven-haired boy to get home.

Pocky Game (KilluGon and LeoPika)Where stories live. Discover now