4. Hazer

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Tay. Tay Vihokratana.

Vihokratana. I wonder how it feels like to live in his world, considering that almost everyone had their attention to the family because of their fame and monetary possessions. and the fact that he was sitting beside me and chatting with me.

Wow, i think i just made myself an accidental gold digger. Joke! Haha

And i don't know but it's seems like I've seen him already too just like the guy that i bumped into on my way to the classroom.

I got a little conscious when he stared at me for quite a while a few moments ago. I was the one who break the eye contact because he might notice that I've been observing his face all the while since he sat beside me.

He's just so 'effin hot.

He's tanned-skin, and that sexy long legs, and that smile, have i told you guys how he smiles? Dang!

Who could resist such genuine smile. It's just too good for the gayness of my heart.

He really looks an heir to the royal throne just like in the movies. He's someone who looks like.. my first boyfriend and my first guy kiss, first hug, cuddles, someone i could lose my virgini---

Wait, wait wait, I'm going far beyond reality already.

He's definitely straight, i can sense that.

He's also the only guy among the siblings and the eldest just like me, and for sure, his parents would want him to settle down with a girl who's worthy to carry the name of the Vihokratana's - and that can never be me. Aside from the fact that we're not a business-minded family, I'm also a guy.

A guy who instantly crushes with his classmate whom he just met like 30 minutes ago!!

This a definitely a bad idea to start college!

Considering that we'll be stuck with each other for the next 5 years, what the hell, I'm screwed!

So how the hell will i keep my composure every time he's around?

How the hell will I stop him from noticing that i have a crush on him?

How will i pretend to not notice him when he's what my eyes are always looking for?

When he asked me to introduce myself a little just like what he did. I actually thought of telling him my sexuality but i decided to do otherwise cause it might ruined the mood and i might end up losing the first person i make friends with in college.

"This afternoon, after classes, all of you please proceed immediately to the school's gymnasium for the SOTUS orientation. All of the freshmen are obliged to attend today's event because they will be choosing the Moon and Star of the Engineering Faculty. A lot of you guys and girls, are actually good-looking so i suggest, as classmates, you support each other and don't be afraid to speak up to make nominations. Don't be scared of the hazers cause you know, SOTUS will be monitored all through out the year and any misconduct or irregularity will be subjected to penalty and disciplinary action." Mr. Suradet said before dismissing us for lunch.

"You'll also have your campus tour, majority in our faculty's premises so that you'll be familiar with the surroundings and the interconnecting buildings so that you'll not get lost. Our campus as a whole is huge and I don't want any of you coming late to your classes simply because you were having a hard time locating your room assignments okay?"

All of us waii-ed in return before putting back our notes inside our bags.

"And don't forget to meet your professors for your minor subjects this afternoon. Okay??" He reminded us again before heading out of the room.

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