1. Besties

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I stared blankly at the ceiling of our house as i ponder about the things that could happen tomorrow as i step another chapter in my life. College.

The fvck!

I mean, dad enrolled me in the university that i want, the same course that i want, it's just that i haven't moved on from my high school days yet.

Well, aside from i got my first girlfriend in high school who eventually became my first heart break. It was also in that school where i saw this guy who have been bugging my mind for 3 weeks straight.

"Argggghhhhh!" i got another pillow, sandwiched my head and shouted the loudest that i can to let the frustration out that's creeping me inside.

"But why the hell am i thinking of him?!? I'm 'effin straight for Pete's sake." i heard myself murmur out of nowhere.

I was about to close my eyes to at least get some rest when i heard my phone ring.

It was my very close friend Off who i believe will also be going to the same university as i am. And I'm thankful enough he'll be taking up Political Science while I'm going to take Engineering.

I decided to ignore the first ring because i know this guy will just be blabbering about the girls, and parties and his fashion icons, anything but useless info's. I actually wonder how i became friends with this jerk.

I let out a sigh before i answered the call on the 3rd ring.

"What the fck do you need? Its fcking late can you please give me a chance to at least rest for the first day of school tomorrow?!?" i shouted at the phone the moment the call came thru.

"Easy boy, easy! Well, i was just trying to check on you?! I was just wondering if how many beautiful girls are gonna be there in my section, you know to serve as my inspiration for the coming semesters?!?" he asked and i can very well see his splitting grin over the line even though we're not physically seeing each other right now.

"You disturbed my peaceful night only to ask me that?!? You're going to school to study not to get laid you prick!!" i answered and i can hear him laughing hysterically on the phone.

"Hahaha well, you know very well my dear best friend that we need some sort of distraction, i mean a beautiful distraction so that we can study with inspiration, with a smile on our faces. Come on, studies are boring without us getting a taste of the creations of God. Na na na na?!? " he retaliated my words so easily and as if picking up girls is too easy for him.

" Taste of creations your face!?! Stop involving God in your evil plans cause i know very well the heavens won't agree with your ideas for school!?! "

"Ohooii, how can my ideas be successful if my best friend doesn't support me either, i guess my college days will really be plain boring and nothing but full of darkness." i can definitely sense sadness at his voice over the line.

"Huh? Its a good thing you were not an actor beacuse if you are, I'm pretty sure no one will watch your series and you'll only end up less than a year in the industry." i answered him and finishing my mockery with a set of laughter.

"How could be you so unfair? I can't believe i have you as a friend! " Off said.

"Oh well, the feeling is mutual, i actually can't believe a decent, courteous and respectable guy like me ended with a friend who is horny, malicious, burglar, idio-"

"Hey hey hey, you're hurting my feelings you know!" Off cut me off with the way how i describe him but of course i was just joking.

We are friends not just beacuse our families have known each other for a long time and we've known each other since our diaper days that's why we both know its just our way of showing our affection towards each other but because this guy is just really the loudest and most energetic person i know. He never really runs out of ideas. Crazy ideas everywhere we go.

"Aha, i get it now, you want the girls for yourself that's why you're against my ideas, isn't it!?? Stop playing innocent Mr. Vihokratana, it doesn't suit you!" he spat against me.

"Well who does suits its best, you?! Come on, and besides t--" i was about to say something when the face of that guy flashes in my mind again.

"Tay, Tay .... Hey yowww Tay are you still there!?!?" i can still hear Off calling me out but my mind seemed to be drifting somewhere.

"Tay, are you still with me? Hello hel-"

"Yeah I'm still here sorry, just remembered something" i told him before he cuts the line off again which is becoming his habit already.

"You must really be tired already. Good night buddy okay and don't forget to introduce me to the beautiful ladies in your class. Bye bye, su su na!" he said jokingly.

"Yeah right, good night and sleep tight cause tomorrow we are officially college students and i don't know if we can still get a full night's sleep once college days has started." i said before i disconnected the call.

I double checked my phone to see if i set a alarm properly so as not to get late on the first day of classes. Minutes after i just see myself in deep slumber ready to face whatever tomorrow may bring and whatever is ahead of me.

I just got home from a tiring day and the happening at that school still bothers me.

I accompanied my bestfriend Mild to get her scholastic records at the XXX International School for her requirements in college when i suddenly felt uncomfortable. I dont know but the vibes and the ambience just gave me the chills and made me feel unwanted.

I look around and i saw this tanned-guy from a distance with a guy who i think is his boyfriend based on how close they sit on the bench although he looks annoyed or maybe they're having a fight or whatsoever, then he suddenly stood up and i can tell that he's taller than I am, no i think I'm taller than him, i think our height is just close but i don't .. whatever.! That's when our eyes met and it was me who break the contact first by turning away because i can sense the bad aura coming from him that's why maybe this school feels unwelcoming.

Although i already turned my back, i can still sense something or someone staring at me.

"Is it him!?!" i asked my myself internally and unmindedly. I was about to checked if my hunch was right when Mild suddenly grabbed my hand and playfully dragged me inside the registrar's office and the guy was nowhere to be seen after we're done procuring her documents. It's not that i am looking for him, I'm not interested because why would i be?

It's only less than a week and my college years will officially begin and I'm just so damn excited. Mild, my best friend since high school although we spent our high school days on different school. will be taking up accountancy while I'll be in the engineering faculty. XXX University here i come...

My first #TayNew fanfic since #DarkBlueKiss has already started airing. Looking forward for more #PeteKao moments and hope I'll never run out of ideas for my ship.

- i #KMJS na yan! 💙

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